Department of pathophysiology, as the science of life and activity of the sick organism, occupies a leading place in the educational and methodical process in medical institutions. Information about the science of pathophysiology student receives from lectures, workshops, textbooks and literature.

The knowledge acquired at lectures, practical classes or multimedia information, as a method of teaching, occupies an important place in the system of training in higher education. Along with traditional teaching methods, the Department of pathophysiology uses new interactive teaching methods. In recent years, we have introduced a number of interactive teaching methods. For each lesson were written scenarios of 1-2 x interactive methods for work in small groups developed situational problems, tests.

Extensive use of modern computer technology in the educational process, along with the active use of multimedia systems. become relevant . Computerization of the educational process and multimedia technologies in teaching medical students, allows more active use of scientific and educational potential and contribute to the effective assimilation of educational material. In this regard, the Department of pathophysiology TashPMI developed and widely used in the educational process multimedia programs on 36 topics, as well as the Department used and subject business games, which involve active, active participation of all students in the educational process. Currently (academic year 2020-2021) we have 3rd year students in five faculties :2 pediatric, medical and educational, medical and biological faculties – 54 group 2 – course in 62 groups:2 pediatric, medical, educational, therapeutic,medical and biological faculties and students of 1 course of MKO in 3 groups. For them at the Department allocated 5 classrooms.