Innovation Center of TPMI was established under the letter of the Ministry of Health № 06-11/331 from 3 November 2009 and TPMI rector’s order № 369 of 11 November 2009.

The first project was the introduction of tele-computer. This system serves as an excellent teaching tool for faculty. System works by broadcasting audio-visual signals from one source to the series-connected TVs, which are in the classroom.

The next project was the implementation of a centralized network (CLS), which covered the whole structure of administration. The network is built with the latest wireless technology, round-trip information WiFi, meets all the requirements of information security.

Introduction of CLS allowed to expand medical school informatization TashPMI thus became possible to organize the digital library and universal access to it through personal computers. It was also implemented programs for learning from scratch. CLS users can gradually increase their knowledge in the field of computer technology, the use of office space and other programs, the study of languages. Next project was the implementation of the centralized access to the Internet and the implementation of an interactive portal that serves as a facilitating awareness of the faculty.

Two photocontest were organized by our center among the students of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. The first was called “Harmoniously developed generation and human development through the eyes of students TPMI” and was held in 2010. The second was called “Youth and education to meet each other,” and was held in 2012. All participants received “certificate of participation”, the winners were awarded prizes.

In late 2012, distance learning project “CLON” – Computer Literacy Optimal Naming, the training project for the teaching staff were implemented. At the end of the training, exam consisting of the following components – tests and practical assignments will held. Percentage of passing the module is 70%. Thus, all those who can not pass this milestone have not mastered the basic skills and knowledge and therefore not receive a certificate.