Representatives of TPMI Innovation Center and IT PARK Uzbekistan

On January 8, 2021, meeting between representatives of the IT PARK technology park and the TashPMI Innovation Center was held. The meeting was attended by the Director of the IC TashPMI Sh.P. Ashirbaev, Head of the Department – Specialist in the development and implementation of new teaching methods I.P. Vikhrov, Head of the Press Service – Press Secretary of the Institute Abidov Kh.A. from the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute and IT PARK project manager Sultanova Ismina, assistant manager for incubation development Musurmankulova Madina with her colleagues. During the meeting were discussed the issues of possible future cooperation and creating of incubation center based on TashPMI with the helping of IT PARK .
The history of the creation and development of IT Park began on July 24, 2019, when the first IT Park in the Republic of Uzbekistan was opened in Tashkent. In this short period of time, IT Park has already brought the first results in the form of 28 new start-ups, the creation of a dozen projects in the field of information technology, as well as trainings, workshops and meetups to stimulate interest in this area among the youth of our country and the development of computer literacy among the population.

A start-up- is a temporary structure designed to find and implement a scalable business model. In simpler words, you can define a startup as a new commercial project that is created with the aim of making a profit from a business after its successful development.

Incubation. The founder of any start-up project is an idea that has arisen in the head of an enthusiast. The idea is what comes with the incubation program. The author comes up with his “cool idea”, and the incubation program grows it to the final product, ready for “consumption” in the form of creating a product and a company that offers clients its services or goods.

Acceleration. The author has a prototype of his idea, a team of specialists has been assembled, and the author only lacks a leap towards the cherished goals – obtaining funding and transforming the project into a real business. If this is the case, then the author of the project definitely needs 3-12 months for the acceleration program, in some universities offer acceleration up to 3 years, until the company confidently gets on its “feet”.

As part of the agreement, in the near future, a memorandum and an agreement on cooperation between TashPMI and IT Park will be signed, which were agreed upon during today’s meeting, as well as practical work on the implementation of the joint initiative will begin.