On January 11, 2022, an educational and scientific seminar-conference on the topic “Priority areas of training competitive and modern medical personnel” was held at the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

The goals and objectives of the event were to improve the professional qualifications of the leadership, faculty and staff of the institute, discuss the results achieved, increase the effectiveness of educational and methodological work, exchange views on the new format of work and familiarize students with reforms in the higher education system.

At the seminar-conference, the issues of the essence and content of two historical Resolutions on the financial, academic and organizational independence of higher education institutions, signed by the President on December 24, 2021, were discussed, which will lead to fundamental positive changes in the higher education system; tasks of improving educational and methodological documentation in the transition to academic and organizational independence, facing the staff of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute; requirements and criteria for inclusion in the lists of TOP-1000, TOP-500 international prestigious ratings, such as QS, THE, AWEE and the tasks the institute faces in entering the ratings; issues of introducing a credit-modular system into the educational process; prospects for the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare and topical issues of simulation training in higher medical education.

The seminar-conference, which took place online and offline, was attended by the management, faculty, staff and students of the institute.

The seminar-conference became an excellent platform for discussing topical issues of medical education, exchanging experience, discussing the prospects for the development of the educational process at the institute. At the end of the event, the participants were awarded certificates.
