On April 5, 2022, at the TPMI Innovational Center (IC) was held a meeting of the Innovational Center’s specialists with IT-Park representatives in framework of the TPMI Innovation Center projects demonstration day.

Representatives of IT-Park were presented with telegram chatbots such as Appendecitis Detection, Venom Carpini, SCORE, FINDFRISC, etc., developed by the TPMI Innovational Centre’s specialists. Representatives of IT-Park reviewed all the submitted developments, gave IC-specialists assessments based on their value in terms of marketing, market demand and their prospects, and also gave their recommendations on the development, promotion and commercialization of the presented projects.

Also, during the meeting, representatives of IT-Park gave their overall recommendations on how to develop our ideas and what to focus on before implementing them.

Moreover, some projects were recommended for acceleration in IT-Park, what indicates the potential of the Innovation Center’s developments.

At the end of the meeting, the sides agreed to organize the next demonstration day, where another 12 projects of the Innovation Center will be presented.