The Ministry of Health of the Republic initiated an action to improve the health of the population of the Kashkadarya region as part of the implementation of tasks in 7 priority areas of health, announced by the President of the country during an open meeting with workers in the field. The events are attended by specialists from the leading medical institutions of the republic, including employees of the clinical departments of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

Specialists in therapy, cardiology, nephrology, ENT, surgery, neuropathology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, surgery, traumatology and other narrow specialties of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute are involved in the work of family polyclinics and rural medical centers in Kashkadarya region, where they provide methodological assistance to employees of healthcare institutions in places, master classes are organized and in-depth medical examinations of the population are carried out.

In particular, a group of seconded employees of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, headed by the rector B.T.Daminov, conducts high-tech surgical interventions and provides highly qualified medical care to the local population.

To date, specialists have conducted a survey of about 1000 patients, who were given appropriate consultations and prescribed treatment methods. More than 50 master classes and various mini-invasive surgical operations were also organized.

In order to cover all segments of the population of the district, field receptions are also organized, including in hard-to-reach remote regions using mobile vehicles.