Employees of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute from December 5 to December 30, 2022 were trained at the educational center Minsk Scientific and Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology under the internship programs “Kidney Transplantation” and “Kidney Transplantation with a biopsy of the kidney and kidney transplant”.

Classes were held under the guidance of leading specialists of the center: Kalachik O. V., Rummo O. O., Komissarov K. S., Vershinin P. Yu., Narbin A. V., Rapetskaya N. V., Smolyakova M. V., Shturich I. P., Nosik A. V.

Employees of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute were happy to gain new knowledge and experience with colleagues from the Republic of Belarus, and are confident that this will help expand the range of medical care provided in Uzbekistan.