Interviews of graduates who have successfully graduated from medical technical schools of public health and submitted documents for studying in the 2nd year of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute will be held from August 21 to 25, 2023.

The interviews will be held in the main academic building of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

Address: Tashkent, Yunusabad district, Bogishamol str., 223.

of interviewing graduates who have successfully graduated from medical technical schools of public health in the framework of admission to study at the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute in the areas of undergraduate education

Name of the field of educationGroupNumber of applicantsDate and time of the interviewLocation of the interview
1.General medicine1 – uzbek group1821.08.2023,
time: 09-00
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Main academic building, 1st floor, Lecture hall No. 3
2 – uzbek group1721.08.2023,
time: 14-00
3 – uzbek group1822.08.2023,
time: 09-00
4 – uzbek group1722.08.2023,
time: 14-00
1 – russian group1024.08.2023,
time: 14-00
2.Pediatrics1 – uzbek group1823.08.2023,
time: 09-00
2 – uzbek group1723.08.2023,
time: 14-00
3 – uzbek group1724.08.2023,
time: 09-00
1 – russian group324.08.2023,
time: 14-00
3.Medical biology1 – uzbek group1725.08.2023,
time: 09-00
4.Higher Nursing1 – uzbek group1625.08.2023,
time: 14-00

The exact date, time and place of the interview for each group are displayed in the graduate’s personal account.

In accordance with Paragraph 10 of Chapter No. 2 of the Regulations on the Procedure for Admitting Graduates who have successfully graduated from Technical schools to bachelor’s degree courses of higher educational institutions on the basis of an interview, attached to the Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 17 of January 11, 2022, if the fact of forgery of documents submitted by graduates is revealed, graduates will be REMOVED from the interview process (if this fact is revealed after enrollment, such students will be EXPELLED) and such documents will be sent to law enforcement agencies in accordance with the established procedure.

Graduates who did not show up for an interview on time due to valid reasons (upon presentation of a document confirming the illness or death of a family member) must contact the admissions committee no later than three days from the date of the interview.

In total, four questions will be asked during the interview on the following topics:

1. Understanding the essence and significance of the health care reforms carried out in Uzbekistan (further improvement of the health care system, improving the quality and efficiency of medical services, strengthening public health, reforms to provide quality medicines, etc.);

2. Awareness of motivation when choosing the direction of healthcare (requirements for a medical professional, understanding of the essence and social significance of the medical profession, dedication to the medical profession, etc.);

3. Understanding of the personal and professional characteristics of a medical worker (ability to study, practical activity in solving professional tasks, discipline, cohesion, responsibility, degree of independence in decision-making, personal achievements, as well as the ability to work on yourself, creativity, etc.);

4. Determination of the availability of knowledge and professional skills in the field of areas of education “General medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Medical biology”, “Higher nursing”.

the admission of graduates who have successfully completed technical schools, based on an interview for bachelor’s degree fields of education – “General medicine”, “Pediatrics”, “Medical biology”, “Higher nursing” of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

We wish good luck to all applicants!