One of the priority goals of the higher education system of Uzbekistan is to create a system of high-quality, high-tech education that meets international standards, train highly qualified and competitive personnel with modern knowledge and skills, as well as deepen the integration of our country into the world community in this area. This requires further development of mutually beneficial bilateral and multilateral relations with international and regional organizations, developed and developing countries. In this regard, the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the People’s Republic of China in January this year is of great importance to us and defines a number of urgent tasks facing us in this direction.

In the following years, comprehensive ties between Uzbekistan and China have expanded and become more effective. By this time, a solid legal framework for mutually beneficial cooperation had been created, and a number of documents had been signed on the comprehensive deepening and development of friendship, cooperation and partnership relations, which serve to further develop relations between our countries in the medium and long term. First of all, it should be noted the friendly relations between the leaders of the two countries, the desire to develop bilateral relations, as well as the availability of all resources to bring these relations to a qualitatively new level.

As part of the visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the People’s Republic of China, an Uzbek-Chinese Educational Forum is being organized in Beijing on January 22-23 this year in order to establish and develop cooperation between the higher education systems of the two countries.

Through this platform, we – representatives of higher education, the rector’s corps – sympathize with the initiatives of our president to develop cooperation with the People’s Republic of China, implement friendly relations, mutually beneficial cooperation and result-oriented joint projects between the higher education systems of Uzbekistan and China, and jointly find solutions to all problems in the higher education systems of the two countries.

In particular, the establishment and further expansion of bilateral cooperation between higher education institutions of the two countries in such areas as organizing the exchange of students and teachers, improving the quality of education, developing vocational education, harmonizing education with production, improving the qualifications of teaching staff, conducting joint research, implementing investment projects, technology transfer, we must pay attention to Special attention is paid to the issues that need to be resolved.

In general, it would be advisable for all of us to look at the importance and essence of this forum, its relevance, issues of improving and developing cooperation from the point of view of great opportunities for the development of the higher education system of our country, complementarity, stimulation of joint projects and investments, and a wide path for further development of mutually beneficial cooperation.

In general, the state visit of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the People’s Republic of China, dialogues not only with the government and business circles of this country, but also with representatives of the higher education sector, official documents, large-scale exchanges of views between the two sides will contribute to the further development of long-term and reliable cooperation between the two countries.

Botir Daminov,

Rector of Tashkent Pediatric

Medical Institute, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor