Indeed, in our country, the issues of educating young people literally to perfection, providing them with work, attracting them to entrepreneurship, and social protection have always been a priority. Whatever programs and plans are adopted in our country, all of them separately take into account our hopes, the interests of our youth, who have a future.

Today, young people make up the majority of the population of Uzbekistan. Naturally, it is important to create conditions for their education, meaningful leisure activities, employment, protection of rights and interests, stimulating their activities, helping them find their place in society.

It is these goals that are defined by specific indicators and measures to be achieved and implemented in the strategy “Uzbekistan-2030”, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 11, 2023 No. PF-158.

In particular, the goal is to provide employment and solve the problems of 400 thousand young people, provide employment for 300 thousand young people in the IT sector and increase social protection for young people and reduce unemployment by reducing the youth unemployment rate from 14 to 11 percent. At the same time, much attention will be paid to offering young people vacancies in various government and public organizations, organizing paid work practices, as well as attracting them to entrepreneurship.

Of course, it’s no secret that every passing day requires all of us to work on ourselves, research, acquire new knowledge and skills and discover new opportunities. Based on this, the strategy provides for bringing the number of young people reading to 5 million, creating 100 best works of art and 50 art books for children and adolescents annually, publishing a multi-volume book “Uzbek literature khazinadan”, 100 volumes of “masterpieces of world children’s literature” in Uzbek and digitizing about 40 million book collections through the wide popularization of masterpieces Uzbek and world literature in our country, special attention is paid to the development of reading and information and library services for the population in the society.

The strategy also provides for the creation of a system for teaching young people modern professions and foreign languages in subsequent years and the organization of activities for 1 “creative park” in each province to ensure that young people engage in modern professions, attracting at least 40,000 young people per year and teaching 2 million young people professions, entrepreneurial skills and foreign languages. It is planned to create conditions for training.

In addition, the period itself requires us to jointly combat ideological attacks based on a national idea, strengthen cooperation between the family, the educational institution and the mahalla and, on this basis, strengthen the continuity of spiritual education, introduce interactive teaching and upbringing methods to turn educational institutions into genuine centers of spirituality and enlightenment, culture, and preserve the national traditions of the Uzbek people. preservation of values and spiritual heritage, wide popularization and introduction of new approaches to development. Given the priority of this issue in our strategy, representatives of the education sector, especially our teachers, occupy a special place in ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment, educating a healthy and harmonious younger generation, as well as promoting our national and spiritual values.

In this regard, we-intellectuals, mentors and mentors, teachers and educators, uniting, take responsibility for educating young people in a healthy spiritual atmosphere and patriotic spirit, not limited to various propaganda, cultural and educational events aimed at promoting national values, socio-political reforms carried out in our country, we carry out “targeted” meetings with young people. and by establishing practical work, we must contribute to the upbringing of a harmonious generation in them, which will create the future of a new Uzbekistan.

In conclusion, we can say that, considering the issues of strengthening the social protection of youth and reducing unemployment, creating a system for teaching young people modern professions and foreign languages, as well as ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment in society, especially among young people, from a strategic point of view, the achievement of these goals, their implementation, certainly contributed to the creation of a new Uzbekistan., serves to educate a healthy and ideologically “immune” new generation, as well as to create wider opportunities for the realization of the talents of young people.

Muborak Akhmedova,

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Work