Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute is one of the largest medical institutes, has a huge role in the training of pediatricians. In 2001, on the basis of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology and Dentistry of TashPMI, on the initiative of Professor S.A. Khasanov, under the guidance of Professor S.N. Makhsudov and Associate Professor Kh.N. Shamsiev, a course in pediatric dentistry was organized. From the moment of organization to the present, Employees have developed and approved standard training and work programs in the discipline “Pediatric Dentistry“, prepared questions for computer testing and clinical tasks for an oral interview.

As part of the educational process, tests of various levels of difficulty have been developed for students of 5-6 years of the pediatric and medical pedagogical faculty. For students of the faculty of “Oliy Khamshiralik Ishi “, a curriculum and work program have been developed in the discipline “Dentistry of Hamshiralik Ishi”

 Gulyamov’s course is led by Suryat Saidvalievich, MD. professor. Since 2011, he has been working as the head of the course at the Department of «Otorhinolaryngology, Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology and Pediatric Dentistry» TashPMI, since 2013 N.V. Vice-Rector for Science and Initiation Works of the Institute. On this basis, separate classrooms for the educational process, equipped with modern means of information technology, are allocated for the department. Practical classes are conducted using computer technology with a remotely broadcast system. The department has a departmental library corresponding to the curriculum. Under his leadership, all organizational work is carried out to improve the quality of educational and scientific potential of the institute’s employees. S.S. Gulyamov is a member of the scientific councils of the Tashkent State Dental Institute; is a member of the editorial board of the Higher Attestation Commission of the journals of the Republic of Uzbekistan «Dentistry», «Pediatrics» and several foreign journals, including «Eurasian bulletin of Pediatrics». in recent years, Chairman of the State Examination Certification Commission at the TGSI. He is a member of the Academic Council of TashPMI, for several years he was the director of the master’s program in the direction of “Pediatric dentistry” and “Children’s jaw and facial surgery”

To date, employees of the pediatric dentistry course have published more than 200 articles, including 57 from far and near abroad, 75 theses and 12 teaching aids, 2 monographs and 5 teaching aids, the level of concentration of employees is 100%.  Every year, course teachers improve their qualifications at advanced training faculties in computer literacy and teaching skills.  Associate Professor of the Department Yakubova (in 2019 she completed an advanced training course in the course «Pediatric dentistry» SPBGPMU. In 2020, by decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Associate Professor F.T. Makhkamova was awarded the title of Honored Teacher of the Republic of Uzbekistan.  The material and technical base of pediatric dentistry is gradually improving; modern dental units equipped with turbine mobile consoles have appeared in the clinic office. It is gratifying to increase the frequency of use of modern, in-demand methods of treating dental patients. The pediatric dentistry course fully provides treatment and prevention of dental diseases, sanitary and hygienic measures in the form of hygiene lessons, lectures and demonstration lessons on explaining hygiene products, an important place in the process students are taught modern pedagogical technologies

Multimedia presentations are widely used at lectures and practical classes by teachers of the department, and videos are shown. In order to better assimilate the material in the course, educational technologies, graphic organizers (educational and methodological recommendations for practical classes on all topics and sections of pediatric dentistry have been developed. By changing the political and economic system and moving to market relations, there is access to broad information about new foreign technologies training, which are widely introduced into the educational process of higher educational institutions. In 2020, students were accepted to study at the International Faculty of Stamotology. In 2024, the Department of “Dentistry and Pediatric Dentistry” was created, headed by Professor S.S. Gulyamov

Curricula have been revised to take into account and bring them closer to the needs of practical health care. The main task is to form a modern specialist. In this regard, the structure of the educational process should be improved, theoretical and practical training in pediatric dentistry should be improved. Undoubtedly, graduates of our institute will make a huge contribution to the development and improvement of the quality of pediatric dentistry in our country.