Division activity Functional duties of workers of the human resources department personnel manager to the personnel manager it is assigned: – completing of staff of all structural divisions of institute; – selection of experts and paperwork on going abroad; – explanation to employees of bases of the labor legislation; – control of the correct use of states on all divisions; – the account in forms and submission of the reporting on them in accordance with the established procedure; – registration of prize documents; – timely filling of service records, introduction in them of records about transfer, movement, dismissal and encouragement; – filling and maintaining registration forms of the T-2 form; – transfer of registration forms of the dismissed workers to archive; – accounting of representation of holidays; – registration and вқдача references; – the accounting of registration for work of part-time workers in accordance with the established procedure; – definition of the general length of service; – timely notification of district social securities of the city of work of pensioners; – registration of demands for forms of service records, roundabout sheets, registration forms of the T-2 form; – registration of demands in the center of employment of the Yunusobadsky area; – record keeping according to the section of work, responsibility for safety of documents; – maintaining and preparation of necessary materials for qualification, certifying, contest committees on reception of competitors and representation of workers to encouragement and rewardings; – drawing up the established reporting; Functional duties of workers of the human resources department hr officer to the inspector it is assigned: – registration of reception, movement and dismissal administrative and managerial, technical and hozyaystvenno – the service personnel according to the labor legislation and the staff list; – timely filling of service records, introduction them records about transfer, movement, dismissal, encouragement and their storage; – filling and maintaining registration forms formyt-2; – preparation of documents after established periods of the current storage to delivery on storage in archive; – maintaining accounting of providing holidays to workers, control of drawing up and observance of schedules of the next holidays; – seniority calculation, issue of references on the real and last labor activity of workers; – the accounting of registration for work in accordance with the established procedure part-time workers; – definition of the general length of service; – record keeping according to the section of work, responsibility for safety of documents; – maintaining accounting of staff of the enterprise, its divisions; – formation and maintaining the personal put for workers, entering of changes into them connected with labor activity. – entering into a databank about the enterprise personnel (bodies of the statistical account) information on quantitative structure of workers and their movement, tracking behind its timely updating and replenishment; – paperwork, privileges necessary for establishment and compensations to employees of the enterprise, and also application of disciplinary punishments; – control of a condition of labor discipline in divisions of the organization and observance by workers of employment policies and procedures;