Preparation of annual reports and information about students in the form specified in the section of educational directions and courses.

Formation of a collection of documents of enrolled students.

Control over the completion of the collection of documents of students who are studying or are studying, restored, transferred their studies, switched from course to course, excluded from study, academic leave, the form of the direction of study, as well as the registration and course management section.

To check the full availability of the collected volume of documents and transfer to the archive of the Institute.

Execution of orders of the rector, vice-rector and dean of the faculty related to students.

Preparation and registration of certificates issued to students.

Step-by-step digitalization of documents stored and maintained in the sector.

Activation and support of work with deans of faculties and deputy deans on admission of students, transfer from course to course, transfer to another university, rehabilitation, academic leave, change of surname, etc.

To monitor the maintenance of the Log of registration of all documents in the sector.