The basic directions of the department is:
• program Creation on work with the presented youth for chair
• Carrying out of seminars-trainings for professorial-teaching structure of institute on selection of the presented youth.
• carrying out of seminars-trainings with students, since 1 по 7 a course, and also with residents of a magistracy with 1 on 3 course. 101.jpg 104.jpg
• Encouragement of the presented students 100.jpg 102.jpg 103.jpg
• the Establishment and strengthening of creative communications with Republic educational institutions, the centres and structures with a view of creation of joint training courses on work with the presented students

Management and the organisation of activity of department:
• the Management of Department is carried out by the chief of the department, the appointed order of the rector of HIGH SCHOOL.
• workers of department are accepted by the rector under the recommendation of the chief of department.
• the chief presides at all activity according to Position of Department and the institute Charter.

Department structure: 1 established post has department:
• the Chief of department of the Duty of department:
• Annual planning of work with the presented youth.
• carrying out of seminars-trainings for professorial-teaching structure of institute on selection of the presented youth.
• carrying out of seminars-trainings with students, since 1 по 7 a course, and also with residents of a magistracy with 1 on 3 course
• Selection of the presented youth for carrying out of prestigious republican and international competitions
• Carrying out of selection of students on the intrainstitute and republican Olympic Games