Instructions for istance learning for students of Tashkent pediatric medical institute

Dear undergraduate and graduate students of the Tashkent pediatric medical institute!

On April 1, 2020, distance education was organized and started in the areas of education “Pediatrics”, “General Medine”, “Professional Education (General Medicine)”, “Medical-biology”, “Higher Nursing” and all specialties of the magistracy.

The following is a distance learning instruction:

  1. You need to find out the lesson schedule, which is published on the official website of the institute.
  2. It is necessary to clarify the teacher in the subject according to the class schedule for each department, which is published in the Moodle system on the official website of the institute and contact the teacher.
  3. For each group, a separate Telegram group is organized, where, in addition to the students themselves, the teacher (s) and the group curator are included.
  4. It is necessary to independently master the material according to the lesson schedule and thematic plan for each subject with the help of a collection of books received in the Institute’s library, Internet materials, as well as using the Moodle distance education platform and video lectures, which are posted on the institute’s official website.

You can go to the Moodle distance education platform at and get access to the materials using a special “login” and “password” below:

Login: student

Password: P@ssw0rd

  1. After each topic is mastered, according to the lesson schedule and subject subject plan, students are required to prepare a video response (10 minutes), the content of which should be:
  • for clinical subjects: etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, prevention);
  • for preclinical subjects: the main content of the topic of the lesson.

The following is an example of a video response: (publication is supplemented)

  1. The prepared video response must be sent daily according to the lesson schedule and the subject plan to the Telegram group with the teacher (s) and group curator to confirm the students’ learning of the material.

*If it is not possible to send a video response (Internet unavailability), you should notify the teacher about this and save the recorded video response on a separate medium (disk, flash drive) to provide it and confirm the assimilation of the training material after quarantine mode.

In case of not provide a video response (in both of the above cases) in a timely manner – on the day of class, the lesson is considered not learned.

Classes missed from March 15 to April 2, 2020 must be learned by students in parallel with current subjects in accordance with the above procedure. Otherwise, missed classes are considered not learned.