Senators approved the new edition of the law “On Education”. It clarifies the powers of government agencies, spelled out the forms of education and enshrined the rights and obligations of teachers, students and parents.

The Senate of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan at the sixth plenary session on Friday approved a new version of the law “On Education”, the press service of the upper house of parliament told The current version of the law was adopted in 1997.

The document gives definitions to such concepts as a state educational institution, state educational standards, non-state educational organization, specialty and others.

The law determines that preschool education is a type of continuous education aimed at teaching and educating children, their intellectual, spiritual, moral, ethical, aesthetic and physical development, as well as preparing children for general secondary education.

Among the forms of education described in the law, there are dual, distance and inclusive education, self-education, external education and others.

The document also clarified the powers in the field of education of the Cabinet of Ministers, the State Inspectorate for Supervision of the Quality of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers, the Agency for the Development of Presidential, Creative and Specialized Schools under the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as other authorized bodies and local government bodies.

The law defines the legal status of teaching staff, guarantees of their activities, as well as responsibilities. In addition, it enshrines the rights and obligations of parents and students, aspects of social protection of students and teachers.

To enter into force, the law must be signed by the president.