On November 25, 2021, the International Scientific and Practical Online Conference “Morphology – Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Komiljon Akhmedzhanovich Zufarov, was organized at the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

The conference was devoted to the study of life, scientific, pedagogical and social activities, creativity and scientific works of Academician Komiljon Akhmedzhanovich Zufarov, summing up the achievements in the field of morphology, histology and discussion of promising innovative plans for the future.

The conference was attended by leading foreign scientists and specialists from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan and other countries, who presented their reports and shared their experience with domestic specialists.

For information: under the leadership of Academician K.A. Zufarov, in the 1970s-1980s, the world-famous school of histologists of Uzbekistan was formed in Tashkent. This school differed from other schools in the application of the most modern methods, relevance, a wide scale of topics and deep, solid fundamental and clinical and functional directions.

57 doctors of sciences and 157 candidates of medical sciences were trained under his leadership. He is the author of more than 500 scientific papers devoted to the study of the functional morphology of the compensatory-adaptive processes of organs and tissues in health and disease, as well as the cellular mechanisms of filtration, secretion, absorption and their regulation, and also under his leadership the textbook “Histology” was written for the first time on Uzbek language. In 1966, he headed the problematic research clinical and experimental biophysical laboratory at the Tashkent Medical Institute.

The laboratory is recognized as a scientific and methodological center for training personnel for scientific centers of the republics of Central Asia.

Thanks to K.A. Zufarov, electron microscopy has developed in the republic, electron microscopic laboratories have been created and a labor-intensive technique for processing tissues for ultrastructural studies has been established at the Andijan Medical Institute, Research Institute of Regional Medicine, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tashkent State Medical Institute. K.A. Zufarov and his colleagues created the world’s first atlas of electron microscopy of organs and tissues.

K.A. Zufarov is known as a prominent scientist and public figure abroad.

His authority among scientists is explained by his participation in international symposia, conferences, forums. For his great contribution to the study of morphology in 1978 he was awarded the Great Silver Medal of the University of Brno.