On January 27-29, 2023, the Open Data Challenge hackathon was held at Akfa University. The hackathon was held in cooperation with such organizations as the Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Combating Corruption, the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics, IT-Park and Akfa University. On the opening day of the hackathon, experts and organizers made a speech about open data, their importance in our lives and the contribution of the organization of such hackathons to the development of our country.

The ICMEDAI team, consisting of specialists from the Center for Advanced Technologies of Strategic Initiatives of TashPMI, also took part in the hackathon. The team presented its Eco City project, a mobile application that determines the negative impact of fuel–using cars on the environment and human health.The ICMEDAI team, consisting of specialists from the Center for Advanced Technologies of Strategic Initiatives of TashPMI, also took part in the hackathon. The team presented its Eco City project, a mobile application that determines the negative impact of fuel–using cars on the environment and human health.

At the end of the hackathon, the organizers and members of the jury shared their opinions on the ideas presented and their presentations, experience and knowledge, all teams were awarded certificates.