On the initiative of the Tashkent Dental Medical Institute, on April 7-8, 2023, the International Student Olympiad among medical universities “MEDICINE AND INNOVATION” was held.

            The International Olympiad was attended by gifted students from the Republic of Uzbekistan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Belarus and Turkey in an offline format.

As a result of the Olympiad, gifted students of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, who took part in the Olympiad, took pride of place by showing excellent results in theoretical and practical tasks.

In the competition “Scientific projects of young scientists”

1. Abilova Malika, 5th year student of the II-Pediatric and Medical-Biological Faculty, 2nd place for a scientific report on the subject “Otorhinolaryngology”.

Scientific adviser: Associate Professor of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Dentistry Ergashev Zh.D.

Students who won prizes in subject disciplines:

1. Emilia Uybikova, 2nd year student of the II-Pediatric and Medical-Biological Faculty, 1st place in the subject “Histology”.

Supervisor: Assistant of the Department of Histology, Pathological Physiology Malivskaya L.P.

2. Bekmukhamedova Nigora, 6th year student of the Medical-Pedagogical and Medical Faculty, 2nd place in the subject “Neurology”.

Supervisor: Professor of the Department of Neurology, Child Neurology and Medical Genetics Majidova Y.N.

3. Yusupova Diyorakhon, 6th year student of the Medical-Pedagogical and Medical Faculty, 2nd place in the subject “Obstetrics and Gynecology”.

Supervisor: Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatric Gynecology Ruzieva N.Kh.

4. Subkhonkulov Jamshid, 3rd year student of the II-Pediatric and Biomedical Faculty, 3rd place in the subject “Biochemistry”.

Supervisor: Associate Professor of the Department of Biomedical Chemistry, Medical Biology, General Genetics Karimova Sh.F.)

5.Turabekova Shirin, 6th year student of the Medical-Pedagogical and Medical Faculty, the absolute winner in the subject “Oncology”

Supervisor: Assistant of the Department of Oncology, Oncohematology and Radiation Oncology Irmatova G.M.)

The management and staff of the Institute congratulates the students and their supervisors and wishes them great success in their future activities.