From September 6 to 8, the hackathon “Urban.Tech Uzbekistan” was held, organized by the innovative educational and industrial Innotechnopark of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation. The duration of the hackathon was 72 hours, in which 75 teams, consisting of a total of 500 young people, took part. The hackathon covered 4 areas, such as: Social AI, Industry AI, Healthcare AI and Education AI.

The ICMED AI and SHIFO AI teams, consisting of employees of the Center for Advanced Technologies and Strategic Initiatives of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, took an active part by presenting the projects “Ko’krak Sartoni” (Breast Cancer) and “AUTIZM MAKTABI” (Autism School), respectively.

“Ko’krak Sartoni” is a mobile application developed by the ICMED AI team that helps diagnose breast cancer in women. In turn, the SHIFO AI team presented the project “AUTIZM MAKTABI” – this is a mobile educational application that allows children with autism to develop speech, memory and fine motor skills by choosing modules according to their ability level.

Аt the end of the hackathon, all participants were awarded certificates and valuable prizes for their efforts and creative projects.