Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 11, 2023 No. PF-158 approved the Strategy” Uzbekistan – 2030″, further development of the country is planned.

The strategy was developed on the basis of many years of experience, the results of extensive discussions conducted by an international group of experts on eyeballs and the public, and includes 100 key goals in five priority areas.

The document clearly outlines the measures that must be taken over the next 6 years to achieve the milestones, indicators and indicators established in our country, on the way to their implementation and implementation in general.

The strategy “Uzbekistan – 2030” contains such key ideas as the transformation of Uzbekistan into one of the countries with an above-average income due to sustainable economic development, the creation of a system of education, medicine and social protection that fully meets the needs of the people and international standards, the creation of favorable environmental conditions for the population.

According to the strategy, as a result of reforms aimed at further bringing medical care closer to the population, 350 thousand patients with diabetes and 1.5 million patients with cardiovascular diseases will be fully covered by medical care.

Coverage of selective screening tests for genetic disorders in infants will be increased by at least 50 percent. This reduces hereditary diseases in children by half.

In the coming years, work will be intensified to provide babies with the necessary trace elements, young children with special preparations for the prevention of helminthiasis, iodine preparations, women and girls with multivitamins, iron and folic acid for free. As a result, it will be possible to reduce the prevalence of infectious and non-communicable diseases by 20 percent.

During this period, it is planned to solve 70% of the appeals of the population in need of medical care in the primary sector.

Thus, the strategy “Uzbekistan – 2030” covers the most important foundations for the development of our country, including the health system, defines the priority areas of our activities and serves to further strengthen the health of the population.

Abdumalik Jalilov,

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute

Vice-Rector for Medical Work –

The chief physician of the Institute’s clinic