Responsible for the Student Scientific Society (SSS) of the department: assistant Abrorova B.T.
In March 2023, members of the SSS of the department – a 5th year student of the Faculty of Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine Kholmuminov Zufarjon became the winner of the 2nd place prize, Alimova Dilrabo – the winner of the 3rd place in the subject “Pediatrics” at the international Olympiad “Abu Ali ibn Sino talimotida uchinchi Renaissance.” Scientific supervisors – Doctor of Medical Sciences, head of the department Nigora Rustamovna Alieva.
In November 2022, 3rd year student Rozikov Khusniddin took 3rd place in the international Olympiad “Virtousos of Medicine”. Scientific supervisor: assistant Amanova N.A.
In February 2023, 5th year student Gaziev Nodirbek took a prize in the category “The promising young scholar” at the III International Student Conference at Tashkent Medical Academy.
In May 2023, 4th year student Ali Ugli Alikhan took 1st place at the conference of students and young scientists at TashPMI. Scientific supervisor: docent Turdieva D.E.
Members of the department’s students’ scientific society are:
- Gaziev Nodirbek – 6th year student of the Faculty of 1-Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine. Scientific supervisor: head of the department, doctor of medical sciences, docent Alieva Nigora Rustamovna
- Bozorboeva Shakhrizoda – 4th year student of the Faculty of 1-Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, docent Akramova Khursanoy Abdumalikovna
- Ali ugli Alikhan – 5th year student of the Faculty of Medicine. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent Turdieva Dilfuza Erkinovna
- Bozorova Laylo – 5th year student of the Faculty of 1st Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine. Scientific supervisor: assistant Ubaydullaeva Oydin Khamzaevna
- Khudoiberdiev Abbos – 5th year student of the Faculty of 1st Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine. Scientific supervisor: assistant Yakubova Durdona Malikovna
- Akbaraliev Oybek – 5th year student of the Faculty of 1st Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine. Scientific supervisor: assistant Abdurakhmonova Dilnoza Furkatovna
- Tulaganova Zilolahon – 5th year student of the Faculty of 1st Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine. Scientific supervisor: assistant Amanova Nargiza Abdurazzakovna
- Ganiyeva Maftuna – 5th year student of the Faculty of 1st Pediatrics and Traditional Medicine. Scientific supervisor: assistant Abrorova Barno Tokhirovna