Turdieva Dilfuza Erkinovna
Responsible for
Medical work
Methodic-Educational work/Master Study
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-1358-8603
- Phone: +998 (93) 391 91 07
- Email: dturdieva0210@gmail.com
Akramova Khursandoy Abdumalikovna
Responsible for
Scientific work
Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-3459-6629
- Phone: +998 (90) 994 45 35
- Email: xursanoyakramova@gmail.com
Abdurakhmanova Dilnoza Furkatovna
Responsible for
Methodic-Educational work/Master Study
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-9051-4491
- Phone: +998 (97) 002 29 69
- Email: dilnoza.dr.cardio@gmail.com
Shomuradova Shakhnoza Shavkatovna
Responsible for
Raising and Upbringing/mentoring
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-2294-776X
- Phone: +998 (90) 964 88 31
- Email: savkatovnas@gmail.com
Ubaydullaeva Oydin Khamzaevna
Responsible for
Raising and Upbringing/mentoring
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-6033-4235
- Phone: +998 (97) 741 38 35
- Email: oydinubaydullaeva@gmail.com
Muminova Dilnoza Alisherovna
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: http-sorc-idor-g0
- Phone: +998 (93) 543 75 57
- Email: dilnozamuminova808@gmail.com
Ramatillaeva Mamura Shokir Izi
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-7382-1043
- Phone: +998 (97) 403 01 37
- Email: mamura.sabina@gmail.com
Yakubova Durdona Malikovna
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-9503-2966
- Phone: +998 (97) 403 54 50
- Email: doctoryakubova88@mail.ru
Mukhamedzhonova Fatima Rustamovna
Responsible for
Scientific work
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant-Free PhD applicant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-2410-7107
- Phone: +998 (94) 606 43 39
- Email: muxamedjanovafatima77@gmail.com
Abrorova Barno Tokhir
Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-1306-687X
- Phone: +998 (90) 981 90 50
- Email: barnoooab@gmail.com