Department of Hospital Pediatric Surgery Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute was founded in 1979. Its first head was Professor Erkli Makhmudovich Hodiev, a graduate student and multifaceted world-renowned surgeon, academician AAVishnevsky. He headed the department in the years 1979-1991. He was the organizer of the establishment of multi-second pediatric surgical clinic. In carrying large contribution to the development of children’s thoracic surgery in the country.

Doctor of Medicine,
Professor EM Hodiev

From 1992 to present, the department is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Ergashev Shamsiddinovich Nasrudin.

Doctor of Medicine,
Professor N.Sh.Ergashev

Currently, the staff of the department are: MD, Professor A. Zh. Khamraev, MD, Professor B.B. Ergashev, MD, Assistant Sattarov Zh.B., Associate Professor B Kh. Khamidov, Associate Professor I.K. Allaberganov, Ph.D., assistant Nazarov N.N., Phd assistants: E.A. Yakubov, F.A.Atamurodov; assistants: A.A. Rakhmatullaev, F. M. Khurramov, S. Kh. Rakhmatullaev, T.P. Khakimov

Employees of the department

The main clinical base of the department is number 2-City Children’s Clinical Surgical Hospital in Tashkent. Hospital capacity is 185 beds and includes: separating elective surgery, emergency room, Department of Surgical Infection, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Department of Intensive Care.Ancillary clinical sites of the department are neonatal surgery Republican Perinatal Center and Department of Child Surgery №1-City Children’s Hospital.

The students of the 1st and 6th courses are taught at the department, where the subject “Hospital Pediatric Surgery” is taught and the basis of pediatric outpatient surgery, which provides training of general practitioners for primary health care. In addition, the department trains clinical residents and residents of the magistracy in the specialty – pediatric surgery.

In addition, the department trained medical residents and resident graduate specialty – pediatric surgery. In addition to traditional teaching methods (posters, color slides, x-ray training, etc.) use modern means of training – video lectures, video complicated operations, electronic textbooks. Thanks to the initiative of Professor N.Sh.Ergashev the department organized a library, in which the funds are textbooks and monographs on pediatric surgery, magazines, “Pediatric Surgery”, “Surgery”, “Journal of Surgery”, “Pediatrics”, “Surgery of Uzbekistan” and others (a total of over 100 titles).

Fund students can use the library as in the daytime, and while on duty at the clinic. Department staff are actively collaborating with all departments of pediatric surgery medical schools of the Republic of Uzbekistan, National Center for minimally invasive and Endovisual pediatric surgery, the National Research Centre of Surgery named after academician V.V.Vahidova, the National Research Center for Emergency Medical Assistance. The department holds a long-standing research links with the Department of Pediatric Surgery at Saint Petersburg Pediatric Medical Academy, Russian State Medical University and the clinic Sharite – Berlin (Germany).

Department staff are actively involved in the development of guidelines, training manuals and textbooks on pediatric surgery. To date, they have released 86 guidelines, 8 textbooks, 7 monographs and four textbooks. In addition, the department, masters, and graduate applicants take an active part in international conferences, congresses and symposia. To date, they have published over 1200 abstracts, more than 280 articles.

The main directions of the department:

Training – theoretical and practical training of students of 6-7 courses of the program of general practitioners; Preparation of clinical residents and masters in specialty pediatric surgery.

Moral and educational – to increase and improve the spiritual and mirovozrenicheskih personality traits and human and national principles on the basis of the works and speeches of President Islam Karimov, decrees and decisions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers, and local governing bodies related to the concept of upbringing harmonically developed generation, especially in the spiritual and educational aspects.

Scientific – diagnosis and surgery of malformations of the urogenital tract and the gastrointestinal tract; septic surgery; thoracic surgery; neonatal surgery, hepatobiliary surgery.

Medical – qualified advisory, and specialized surgical care for children’s population of Tashkent and regions of the Republic.

Department “Oncology Pediatric Oncology”

The course of Oncology “of the Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute”, the current Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute was founded on the basis of the department “Children’s surgery” in 1972. The first head of oncology course was PhD, Associate Professor Ligay Timofei Andreyevich (1924-1997), who led the course to 1996goda. In 1946 he graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Tashkent State Medical Institute. In 1952 he graduated from the clinical residency in “General Surgery”. In 1996 he defended his thesis on the subject. “Boundary characteristics common skin cancer in Uzbekistan” The base rate was the Republican Center for Pediatric Oncology, stationed on the territory of Tashkent City Oncology Center.

Ligay T.A.

In the history of Uzbekistan, the first children’s oncologists were pupils Timothy A., who has made a significant contribution to the organization and development of pediatric oncology in our Republic.

Moon Mr Mikhail (1950- 2008). In 1978 he graduated from the pediatric faculty (the Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute). In 1980-82gg passed residency on “Pediatric surgery”. In 1986 he passed primary specialization in pediatric oncology at the All-Union Cancer Research Center, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR and worked as an assistant of the course “Oncology”. From 1996-1998,. in charge of the course of oncology.

Moon M.A.

From 1998- 2008 biennium. course on “Oncology” was closed, and teaching oncology subject was referred to the department of “Hospital pediatric surgery, urology and oncology” and Bulgakov as an assistant of the Department of Oncology, the subject taught.

December 24, 2008 order of the rector of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Professor AV Alimov open course on “Oncology Pediatric Oncology” and head of the course was appointed MD Golib Abdullaevich Khakimov.

Professor Khakimov G.A.

Currently, the staff of the course are: assistants W.W. Ishonhodzhaev, A.A. Yusupbekov, A.G. Valiev, H. I. Dzhumaniozov, G.F. Miryusupova, Sh.V. Ziyaev.

Employees of the department

The main clinical base rate “Oncology Pediatric Oncology” is the City Oncology Center of Tashkent. dispensary bed capacity of 225 beds.

In the structure of the clinic has the following units: Advisory clinic for 150 visits per day surgery, surgical department breast tumor head and neck tumors, surgical department oncourology, surgical department oncogynecology, surgical department thoracoabdominal oncology, surgical department of Pediatric Oncology, Department of Transfusion blood and bone marrow transplants, intensive care unit, chemotherapy department, the department of radiation oncology and, separating the pathology of human tumors, endoscopy and separation of complex laboratory.

Having all departments of clinical oncology at the clinic ensures a high level of teaching adult and pediatric oncology, which helps to improve the quality of training of young specialists.

Education on the course are students of V -VI health courses Faculty of Education, VI course of pediatric faculty, III course senior nursing TashPMI case. In addition, the course, students and medical residents in the specialty – oncology.

In teaching, along with traditional methods (posters, color slides, study X-rays, etc.) use modern teaching aids – video lectures, movies are complex operations, electronic textbooks.

The course of Oncology Pediatric Oncology is working closely with all surgical departments of medical higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan, National Cancer Research Center, the leading cancer institutions and abroad, in particular the Russian Cancer Research Center named after academician Blokhin. On the basis of the agreement of cooperation between the rate of “Oncology Pediatric Oncology” and the Russian Cancer Research Center N.N. Blokhin, training courses were held staff and clinicians of clinical base.

Course staff are actively involved in the development of guidelines, manuals and textbooks on oncology. In addition, the course staff, clinical residents and applicants take an active part in international conferences, congresses and symposia.