2 City Children’s Surgical Hospital.

Location: City of Tashkent’s Mirzo-Ulugbek district, st. Buyuk Ipak Yuli, 155 as well. 700 077,

Reference: Hotel “Sayokhat”

Phone: (+99871) 2688717 Fax: 2688717

1 City Children’s Surgical Hospital.

Address: 100194, Tashkent, Yunusabad district, Yunusabad-3, ul. Yangishahar, 3
Telephone numbers: (99871) 224-54-46, 224-87-35, 224-87-33, 224-85-77
Fax: (99871) 224-95-56
Transport: bus: 9, 67, 112; Minibus taxi: 166
Reference points: SRI of Virology

Department “with Oncology Pediatric Oncology.”

Address: Tashkent, Chilanzar, ul.H.Tursunkulova. Directions Bogustan-1.

Phone: (+99871) 2730439 Fax: (+99871) 2730439