At the Department are taught students of 4-year pediatric faculty on the subject of “Obstetrics and Gynecology”, students of 4th year Faculty of Medical Education on the subject of “Obstetrics”, students of the 5th year Faculty of Medical Education on the subject of “Gynecology”,students 6th year Pediatric faculty on the subject of “Child gynecology”of Medical Education on the subject of “Obstetrics and Gynecology”, students 2-3 courses of Higher nursing in subjects “Nursing in Obstetrics” and “Nursing in gynecology.” In conducting studies are widely used modern educational technology (graphic organizers, project, case methods, multimedia) and information technology resources.

 For the effective conduct of the educational process, the department has a computer classroom and multimedia projectors, multimedia presentations and computer simulators are used in teaching the subject.

All lectures are prepared and conducted in the form of multimedia presentations, which allows you to increase the informative content of the presentation of the material.
Classes and lectures are held according to plan, the material is presented exclusively in Russian and Uzbek at a high methodological and scientific level.

For 2019-2023, 4 Textbooks were prepared, authors: Kurbanov D.D., Rasulzade Y.G., Yuldasheva D.S., Zufarova S.A., Mirzayeva N.B., Mukhamedkhanova Sh.T., 3 Textbooks – (Russian, Uzbek – Latin) –authors: Mukhamedkhanova Sh.T. Navruzova R.S., Homiladorlik davrda arterial gipertenziya . Ruzieva N.H. : Ginekologiya Bolalar Ginekologiyasi bilan Monograph , author:Navruzova R.S., Kinico-Hemostasiological substantiation of the effectiveness of drug-induced termination of an undeveloped pregnancy Monograph , author: Ruzieva.N.X Prediction and prevention of premature birth •Prepared video lectures 18 (total provided for under the program 18) •The number of prepared tests for the NB, OB, YAB — 1350

The documentation on the educational and methodological work is in good condition.

The well-designed stands fully present the necessary information for students regarding the schedule and topics of classes, lectures, consultations, work-outs, independent work, as well as scientific and practical achievements of employees.
Each teacher has a complete set of methodological developments, structural and logical schemes of practical classes in the discipline, initial and final level tests, problematic clinical and situational tasks.
Thematic plans of lectures and practical classes have been approved in accordance with the new program. A list of mandatory practical skills has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the qualification characteristics of an Obstetrician-Gynecologist

The International scientific and practical conference “The role of innovations in medicine” and the I International Scientific Olympiad “Urgench-2030” among students of the medical university, Urgench, April 26-27, 2024.

Sevdora Amonova took the second prize in this Olympiad.