Topic research department of obstetrics and gynecology, child gynecology TashPMI – “Medical and social aspects of reproductive health.”

The degree of the department is 63.3%.
Doctors med. sciences – 7
Candidates of Medical Sciences – 12

Published in 2023-2024:

Textbook – 2

Monograph – 6

Training manual – 2

Articles – 70
Abstracts – 38

When performing this scientific work, the teaching staff of the department participates

The scientific work of the department have been protected by the following thesis: • PhD thesis Zakirhodzhaevoy DA on “Detoxification function of the placenta and its correction lipostabilom and Actovegin in pregnant women with preeclampsia-gang.” • PhD thesis Mirzaeva NB on “Assessing the role of human papillomavirus infection in the development of cervical dysplasia in women of reproductive age.” • MD thesis Rasulova MI on “pathological menopause and methods of correction” • MD thesis Zufarov Sh -On “Modern approach to the prediction and prevention of pre-eclampsia in pregnant women with chronic glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis.” Do research:  D. Akhmedov – doctoral thesis on “Features and correction of trace element disorders in pregnant women suffer from iron deficiency anemia.” Have published 40 guidelines, 332 abstracts, 456 articles and 17 monographs. Textbook-2

Performed scientific grant:

1) Grant № IBSS 11-16 “The new secure method of operation abnormal female genitals”

2) Grant № IBSS 29/4 “Development of prediction methods in the prevention of certain complications of pregnancy”

3)Grant № UNFPA

Applied research.
Development of bases for the calculation of weight centile ratios and build customized fetal growth curves for the population of Uzbekistan

Basic research.
Studying the composition of metabolic profiles biological fluids human with the syndrome of fetal growth restriction. Search low-molecular organic substances – potential biomarkers of disease.

Student Scientific Society. In addition, students participated in carrying out scientific work at the department through SSS. In recent years, 18 students with theses and 8 foreign students participated in the scientific and practical conference of the institute. Every year, bachelor’s, master’s and clinical residents participate in scientific research conducted at the department. The results of their scientific work are published in a collection of abstracts of a student scientific conference.

In 2023, scopus articles (pub med)-17 were published, as well as 35 articles in Republican journals and 18 articles in foreign ones

Scientific conferences. Employees of the department regularly undergo internships and participate in congresses, conventions and conferences both in Uzbekistan and abroad. Thus, employees of the department take part in international scientific and practical conferences of obstetricians and gynecologists.