Responsible for the scientific activities of the department: candidate of medical sciences, assistant Mambetkarimova M.S.

Scientific direction of the department: “Epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical course, development of new methods of treatment and preventive measures among children in the conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.”

Scientific problem: Acute and chronic infectious diseases of all body systems among children in the conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Scientific direction: “Epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical course, introduction of new methods of treatment, prevention of acute and chronic infectious diseases of all body systems among children in the conditions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.”

Scientific research. Over the past 5 years, 6 dissertations have been defended:

  1. Associate Professor Sadirkhojaeva A.A. (PhD – 2021);
  2. Assistant Mambetkarimova M.S. (PhD – 2021);
  3. Assistant Yusupov G.K. (PhD – 2021);
  4. Assistant Sadikov A.M. (PhD – 2021);
  5. Basic doctoral student Mamadzhanova N.A. (PhD – 2022);
  6. Basic doctoral student Z.A. Shermatova (PhD – 2022)

Today, the department employs 2 doctors of science and 4 candidates of science, 1 professor and 4 associate professors.

Head of the department: Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Ashurova Dilfuza Tashpulatovna.

Department staff: Associate Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Zufarov A.A., Associate Professor, Ph.D. Akhrarova N.A., associate professor, candidate of medical sciences Sadirkhodzhaeva A.A., Associate Professor, Ph.D. Faizullaeva N.Ya., assistants: Ph.D. Mambetkarimova M.S., senior teacher Yadgarova N.D., Tursunova O.A., Umarova M.S., Sharipova Z.U., Haldarbekova M.A., Yusupova G.K., Madrakhimova D.M., Muhammadyorova D.Sh., Sadikova A.M., Sadikova R.R., Abdullaeva U.U., Shermatova Z.A., Turaeva Y.Sh., Marupova N.A.

Scientific potential of the department – 57.1%

Currently, the department is conducting the following research:

  1. “Clinical, diagnostic and prognostic criteria for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis” by basic doctoral student (PhD) Sadikova A.M.
  2. “Clinico-pathogenetic characteristics of myocarditis in young children” by basic doctoral student (PhD) Yusupova G.K.
  3. “Peculiarities of health status and assessment of microelement status in children with Daun syndrome” by basic doctoral student (PhD) Zufarova N.I.
  4. “Clinico-pathogenetic features of the course of anemia in patients with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis” by assistant M.A. Khaldarbekova.
  5. “Peculiarities of adaptation in newborns born from mothers with COVID-19 infected at various times during the perinatal period” by assistant Amanova N.T.

Scientific cooperation: employees of the department actively cooperate with such foundations as “Sen yolgiz emassan”, “Soglom avlod uchun”, as well as with international organizations UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA, the World Bank and others. The department also cooperates with the Research Institute of Pediatrics and the Research Institute of Endocrinology.

Scientific conferences. Employees of the department regularly undergo internships and participate in congresses, conventions and conferences both in Uzbekistan and abroad. Thus, employees of the department take part in international scientific and practical conferences on pediatrics, held annually in May-April. In addition, the department annually organizes international scientific and practical conferences dedicated to current issues in pediatrics.