Spiritually-educational work on faculty is conducted according to the plan. On September, 7th curators of faculty together with students participated in « the Oath of the first-year student » which consisted in scientific research institute of Chest surgery. qasamyod.jpg

OnSeptember, 8th with curator groups have visited a museum Amir Timur and the Region of memory. . 8-sentyabr.jpg

The curator 210 – 2 groups has familiarized with living conditions of students living on demountable apartments. murabbiy 1.jpg murabbiy2.jpg

On November, 17th assistants to faculty together with curator groups celebrated « Day of students » on a cinema of “Megaplanets”. murabbiy 3.jpg

spiritual and moral work for 2015-2016 year

spiritual and moral work for 2015-2016 year

spiritual and moral work for 2015-2016 year

spiritual and moral work for 2015-2016 year