Training on faculty there pass students of 3-rd rate in a subject « Propaedeutics of children’s diseases », students of 2-nd rate in a subject « the Doctor and the patient », and also students of 1 rate the medical sister of the top skills on a speciality « the Theory of sisterly affairs»


Independent work of students


OSCE audio

OSCE audio

OSCE audio

OSCE audio

OSCE audio

OSCE audio

OSCE audio

OSCE audio

OSCE audio

OSCE audio

Audio OSCE

Audio OSCE

2-cours metodical skills

propedevtical children diseases

PCHD Karahodjayev

Disease history

Disease history

children’s meals

osce summer rus

osce summer uzb

Exam questions for a 2 – cours student

Exam questions for a 2 – cours student