Dean of the Faculty
Ashurova Dilfuza Tashpulatovna
MD, PhD, DSc, Professor
Tel:. +998-71-260-39-62
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Deputy Dean of the faculty on 1st course
Islomov Abdumavlon Yuldashevich
PhD, Associate Professor
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Deputy Dean of the faculty on 2nd and 3rd courses
Saidazimov Kamol Tulkunovich
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Deputy Dean of the faculty on 4th and 5th courses
Jumayev Otabek Abdujalilovich
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Deputy Dean of the faculty on 6th course
Umarov Jakhongir Toirovich
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Deputy Dean of the faculty of youth affairs
Alimova Mukhiba Muzaffarovna
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Faculty Council Secretary
Primova Gulrano Abdumannapovna
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Advisor to the Dean of the Faculty on Women and Girls
Urlashova Yorkinoy Bakhromovna
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Chairman of the Faculty Council of Mentors and Students
Khodjaeva Dilbar Khamidovna
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Faculty tutor on 1st course
Mirzakulova Nigora Azimovna
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Faculty tutor on 1st course
Ergashev Jaloliddin Shermatovich
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Faculty tutor on 2nd course
Khakimov Gayrat Tadjibayevich
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Faculty tutor on 2nd course
Pulatova Mukhabbat Abdurakhmanzhonovna
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Faculty tutor on 2nd course
Shadimetov Odiljon Ermatovich
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00

Faculty tutor on 3rd course
Rysmukhamedova Gulzhan Amanovna
Tel.: +998-71-260-36-58
Fax: +998-71-262-33-14
E-mail: dekanat@tashpmi.uz
Reception days: Mn — St, 8:30 — 18:00