The educational and methodological work of the department is represented by the following developments:
– training programs in clinical pharmacology in the specialties: 5510200 “Pediatrics”, 5510100 “General Medicine” and “5111000 Professional Education (5720100” General Medicine “); 5510100 “General Medicine” and “5111000 Professional Education (5510100” General Medicine “); 5510700 – Higher Nursing
methodological recommendations and lectures with multimedia support on clinical pharmacology of pediatric (6 course) and medical-pedagogical and medical faculties (5-6 course);
– methodical recommendations and lectures with multimedia support in English on clinical pharmacology
Training and work with students is carried out in accordance with the approved standard and work programs.
In the work program every academic year, additions and changes are updated: educational technologies for all classes were updated, changes were made to the use of multimedia programs with situational tasks and in tests.
Mastering the discipline is aimed at the formation of active clinical thinking in students, taking into account the need to apply them in practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching methods are conducted – traditional: oral answer, test questions, analysis of pharmacotherapy, medical history, as well as interactive – graphic organizers, clinical simulation game using the methods of “role play”, “snowball”, “brainstorming”, solving situational tasks of various levels complexity, testing. Development of schemes in the provision of emergency care for side effects of drugs, methods of “presentations”, “step-by-step prescriptions of drugs”, analysis of the “advantages and disadvantages of drugs.”
New teaching technologies make it possible to solve urgent problems of education, provide an opportunity to carry out training in an environment as close as possible to real life, allow to connect theoretical material with practical activity and involve students in an active independent cognitive process, ensuring the formation and development of professional skills.
From 2013-2014, associate professors of the department conduct classes for undergraduates in various fields.
Course staff in the 2021 academic year Assoc. Mamatova N.M., ass. Hakberdieva G.E. (February-March months – online), assistant Azizova R.A. (May-June-online); Associate Professor Mukhitdinova, (September-October months-online) underwent a 288-hour internship for retraining and advanced training of teachers at TMA. Upon completion of the course, they received certificates.
Course staff in the 2020 academic year ass. Shaabidova K.Sh. (April-May months – online), ass. Sherova Z.N. (September-October months online), Assoc. B.A. Karabekova, ass. Kasymova Sh.Sh. (November-December months online) passed 288 hours of internship for retraining and advanced training of teachers at TMA. After completing the course, we received certificates.
Associate Professor Ph.D. Mamatova N.M. took part in the medical examination “Healthy lifestyle” of the population from November 29 to December 15, 2020 in Karshi, Kashkadarya region, where she was the curator of bachelors and masters. MA. After completing the course, we received certificates.
Methodological support of the educational process, development of advanced pedagogical and information technologies and spiritual and moral education of teachers of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology during the winter holidays.