Scientific activity

Responsible for the scientific activities of the course: Mavlyanova N.T.

The main scientific directions of the department:

1. “Scientific and experimental research and introduction into practice of new hepatoprotective agents”;

2. Clinical and pharmacological studies and comparative assessment of the effectiveness of new drugs (antibacterial);

3. Clinical and pharmacological studies of new drugs and forms in children.

Scientific problem: Clinical and pharmacological studies of new drugs and ensuring the safety of therapy in childhood.

Scientific direction: Monitoring ongoing pharmacotherapy, assessing the effectiveness of new drugs and ensuring the safety of therapy in children of different ages.

Today, the department employs 1 Doctor of Medical Sciences, 5 Candidates of Medical Sciences, of which 4 are associate professors and 6 assistants.

Scientific potential of the department – 50%

The department conducts scientific research on the following topics:

1. “Clinico-economic approach to optimizing the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases with antibacterial drugs in children” by basic doctoral student (PhD) Mavlyanova N.T.

2. “Pharmacological study of the drug Netinfla” by basic doctoral student (PhD) Sobirov D.Sh.

Student Scientific Society.

 Every year, bachelor’s and master’s students participate in scientific research. The results of their scientific work are published in a collection of abstracts of a student scientific conference.

Scientific conferences. Employees regularly undergo internships, participate in congresses and conferences both in Uzbekistan and abroad. They also take part in organizing international scientific and practical conferences dedicated to current issues of clinical pharmacology.

Scientific publications. Over the past 10 years, the course staff have published more than 1000 scientific articles and 6 textbooks.

In 2022-2023, 17 students of the 3rd, 5th and 6th year of the Medical-Pedagogical and Pediatric Faculty participated in SSS. The results of their scientific work, 17 abstracts were published in the collection of abstracts of the 51 student scientific and practical conference with the presentation of certificates.

In 2019-2020, 18 students of the 5th and 6th course of the medical-pedagogical and pediatric faculties participated in the SSS. The results of their scientific work were published in the collection of abstracts of the 48th student scientific and practical online conference.

Development program “Science “

To increase the efficiency of research activities of the faculty of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, access to international educational resources, electronic catalogs and databases of modern scientific literature has been expanded.

All 11 employees of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology are registered in the international scientific and technical databases Scopus and Science Direct.

All employees of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology uploaded over 600 information from the international scientific and technical database Scopus Science Direct and Web of sincie on the topics: Clinical pharmacology of drugs used in gastrointestinal diseases ;, Ensuring safety when using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; Pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology of drugs used in bronchial obstruction;, Clinical pharmacology of antibacterial drugs ;, Clinical pharmacology of antihypertensive drugs;


Improving the efficiency of research activities of the faculty of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, expanded. The staff of the clinical pharmacology course have published more than 100 articles and abstracts in both local and foreign journals.

In October 2024, the dissertation on the topic: “Clinical and economic approach to optimizing the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases in children with antibacterial drugs” was successfully defended by the basic doctoral student Mavlyanova N.T. and received the title (PhD).

The Department of Family Medicine No. 2, Clinical Pharmacology of TashPMI held a scientific and practical conference “Innovative approaches to modern pharmacotherapy”, which was held offline, online on February 26, 2025.

The opening speech was given by the head of the Department of “Family Medicine No. 2, Clinical Pharmacology” MD, Professor Babadzhanov Abdumurat Sattarovich. The conference featured reports by MD, Associate Professor Mamatova N.M., PhD, Associate Professor Agzamova N.V., PhD, Associate Professor Karabekova B.A., PhD Mavlyanova N.T.

The materials of the scientific conference reports are posted in an electronic collection on a special page of the scientific electronic library in Library. The speakers and participants of the conference were awarded certificates.


The Department of Family Medicine No. 2, Clinical Pharmacology of TashPMI took part in the Republican remote scientific and practical conference “Actual problems of pediatric pharmacotherapy”, which took place online on March 28, 2023.
The opening remarks were given by Department of “Normal Physiology, Pharmacology” Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aminov Salokhiddin Juraevich. At the conference, presentations were made by d.m.s. Associate Professor Mamatova N.M., Ph.D. associate professor Agzamova N.V. , assistants: Azizova R.A., Mavlyanova N.T.
The materials of the reports of the scientific conference are placed in an electronic collection on a special page of the scientific-electronic library in Library. The speakers were awarded certificates.

The Department of Family Medicine No. 2, Clinical Pharmacology of TashPMI took part in the International Remote Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Problems of Modern Pharmacotherapy”, which took place online on May 26, 2023.
The opening remarks were given by Department of “Family Medicine No. 2, Clinical Pharmacology” Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Babajanov Abdumurat Sattarovich.

At the conference, presentations were made by d.m.s. Associate Professor Mamatova N.M., Ph.D. associate professor Agzamova N.V. PhD Associate Professor Mukhitdinova M.I., Ph.D. associate professor Karabekova B.A. , assistants: Azizova R.A., Kasimova ShSh, Hakberdiyeva G.E., Sherova Z.N., Mavlyanova N.T.
The materials of the reports of the scientific conference are placed in an electronic collection on a special page of the scientific-electronic library in Library. The speakers were awarded certificates.


Participation in international online conferences and webinars.

On April 16, 2021, an international scientific and practical online conference was held with the participation of employees of the TashPMI of the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, Clinical Pharmacology, Kursk State Medical University, Kazakh Medical Universities. The topic of the conference is “Topical issues of pharmacology”. The following employees made reports at the conference: associate professors Mamatova N.M., Mukhitdinova M.I., Karabekova B.A.

06/11/2021, an International scientific and practical online conference was held with the participation of employees of the TashPMI of the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, Clinical Pharmacology, Kursk State Medical University, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic Universities.

The topic of the conference is “Pharmacotherapy of Complications of Viral Diseases (COVID-19) in Children and Adults” dedicated to the current problems of diagnosis and treatment of complications of viral diseases. Organizers of the conference: Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology, Professor Aminov S.D. and Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology Mamatova N.M. The following employees made reports at the conference: associate professors Mamatova N.M., Mukhitdinova M.I., Karabekova B.A. and assistants Mavlyanova N.T., Normatova K.Yu., Shaabidova K.Sh.

ассистент Мавлянова Н.Т.
ассистент Норматова К.Ю.

2019-2020 The department of GP therapy, clinical pharmacology of TashPMI took part in the work of the International Kyrgyz – Uzbek scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of family medicine”, which took place online on June 24, 2020.

In the plenary session, Dr. med. associate professor Mamatova N.M. delivered a report “Overview of the situation on the control of tobacco consumption in Uzbekistan during the COVID-19 pandemic”. In the sectional session, the following reports were made: Ph.D. Associate Professor Agzamova N.V. “Hospital surgical infection. The role of the family doctor in its prevention ”, Ph.D. associate professor Mukhitdinova M.I. “Potentially dangerous combinations of drugs in antibiotic therapy”, Ph.D. Associate Professor B.A. Karabekova “Problems of rational pharmacotherapy among children in family medicine.”

K.M.N. associate professor Mukhitdinova M.I. On April 15, 2020, she participated in the international webinar on the topic: “Working with the Elsevier Clinical Key information platform using the example of a search on the topic” Prevention of cardiovascular diseases “; May 29, 2020 in the international online seminar” Ethics of scientific publications and tools for improving their quality : Web of Science and Antiplagiat “. May 1, 2020 took part in an international on-line conference on the topic:” Actual problems of fundamental, clinical medicine and the possibilities of distance learning. “The conference was held on May 1, 2020 in the cities of Tashkent, Samarkand, Andijan . Assistants Kasymova Sh.Sh. and Khakberdieva G.E. participated in the international webinar on June 19, 2020. Elsevier Clinical Key on the topic: “Elsevier Clinical Key usage for research on Antibiotics”, 02.05.2020 Saint Petersburg “Online seminar Difficult patient in the practice of a pediatrician.”

For the 2019-2020 academic year, articles and abstracts were published by the staff of the department, 9 foreign scientific articles in scientific journals of Uzbekistan and Russia, 3 article in Scopus, 6 local scientific articles and 10 abstracts in scientific journals of Uzbekistan and Russia.

For the 2019-2020 academic year, articles and abstracts with students, 2 foreign scientific articles in scientific journals in Russia, and 4 local abstracts in scientific journals of Uzbekistan and Russia were published.

 Scientific and methodical work of the department is represented by the following developments:
– Training programs for clinical pharmacology in the specialties: 5510200 “Pediatric business” 5510100 “Medicine” and “Vocational training 5111000 (5720100” Medicine “); 5510100 “Medicine” and “Vocational training 5111000 (5510100” Medicine “);
– Guidelines and lectures with multimedia support for pediatric clinical pharmacology (6 courses) and medical-pedagogical and medical faculties (5-6 year);
– Guidelines and lectures with multimedia support in English for Clinical Pharmacology

February 20, 2019, responsible for Scopus Kasymova Shahlo Shavkatovna participated in the video selector at the Financial Institute

2017-2018 year, we published 4 foreign scientific papers, scientific articles 6 local and 6 international, 11 local abstracts in scientific journals of Uzbekistan and Russia. Issued 1 teaching aid “Pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology of drugs used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract” in Russian and Uzbek languages.

The importance of student self-study in teaching

Using innovative teaching methods in teaching

Methods of teaching in the teaching of clinical pharmacology

Undesirable reactions of iatrogenia

Ensuring the safe use of non-steroids anti-inflammatory drugs

Training of students on a modular system in a medical college

Side effects of paracetamol

Polypharmacy – the pharmacoeconomic problem of modern clinical medicine

The application of information technology in practical classes

The role of aspirin acid in the treatment of coronary heart disease

Independent work of students in a medical college

Assessment of anemic and sideropenic syndromes of chronic pyelonephritis in school-age children

evalution and analysis of pharmacotherapy of sick children with bronchopulmonary diseases

stady of the efficacy and tolerability of the antihistamine drug Zirtek in obstructive bronchitis

Bronchopumonary pathology and control of effectiveness in children

Ensuring the safe use of non-steroids anti-inflammatoty drugs in children and adolescents

Comparison of the toxic effect of cardiac glycosides in children and adults

A comparative characteristic of the correction of hemorrhagic shock with the administration of succinates and other infusion solutions

Toxic effect of cardiac glycosides

Effectiveness of the application of interactive methods Claster and T-scheme in the study of clinical pharmacology and pharmacology

Pharmacoeconomic analysis of the use of antihistamines in the treatment of recurrent bronchitis

Innovative methods of teaching TashPMI students in the teaching of clinical pharmacology

Using graphic organizers in the teaching of clinical pharmacology

Personalized medicine. The path to effective and safe pharmacotherapy

The application of the case-method in the teaching of clinical pharmacology

The role of interactive methods in teaching the subject of clinical pharmacology on the topic of antibiotic therapy

Independent work of the student in the teaching of clinical pharmacology

Training of students of medical universities on the basis of advanced modern technologies

Qualitative indicators of teachers of TashPMI in foreign language

Efficiency of application of the T-scheme method in teaching the topic FSVS in clinical pharmacology

The role of modern pedagogical technologies in the study of clinical pharmacology

Investigation efficiency of antigistamine drugs in children with obstructive bronchitis

The role of immunomodulator drugs in children relapsiny chronic bronchitis disease

Pharmaco-economic analysis aplication of mucolitic drugs for treatment of children suffering from reccurent bronchitis

The use of the antifirinolitic drug tranexamic acid in obstetric practice

Impact on academic performance students TashPMI mobile phones

Etikedontologiya medical staff at the bedside patient

Effect of paracitamol on the cardiovascular system

The use of antihistamines in pneumonia in children

Pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology of medicines used in diseases of gastrointestinal tract-technique

Undesirable iatrogenic reactions

Effect of food on the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy