Head of course
Agzamova Nazifa Valiyevna
She was born on February 8th, 1950 in Tashkent. She has the higher medical education. She manages the course of Clinical pharmacology. The candidate of medical sciences. The senior lecturer.
e-mail: nazifaagzfmova@mail.ru
tel: + 998(71) 260-32-49

Azizova Rixsi Abdumavlyanovna
Has the higher medical education. The candidate of medical sciences,Is responsible for spiritually-moral work.
e-mail: abdumavlyanova@mail.ru

The senior lecturer
Karabekova Balhia Artykovna
Has the higher medical education. The candidate of medical sciences,the senior lecturer.Is responsible for medikal work.
e-mail: ayihlab@rambler.ru

The senior lecturer
Muhitdinova Mavjuda Imadovna
Has the higher medical education.The candidate of medical sciences,the senior lecturer. Is responsible for education -methodical work of the Department.
e-mail: madinahon60@mail.ru

The assistant
Sherova Zebo Norboboevna
Has the higher medical education. The assistant.Is responsible for trade union.
e-mail: zebo.norboboevna@mail.ru

The assistant
Kasimova Shahlo Shavkatovna
Has the higher medical education. The assistant. Is materially responsible on chair.
e-mail: Shaxlo.62@mail.ru

The assistant
Hakberdieva Guljahon Erkinovna
Has the higher medical education. Is the main curator. Is responsible for monitoring of progress of students. e-mail: Harakatdan@rambler.ru

Shoabidova Kamola Shohamdamovna
Shoabidova Kamola Shohamdamovna was born November 25, 1987 in Tashkent has a medical degree. In 2015 she graduated from the clinical residency in hematology. Assistant.
e-mail: SHaabidova@mail.ru

Mavlyanova Nozima Tokhirzhanovna
Mavlyanova Nozima Tokhirzhanovna, was born on September 1, 1990 in the city of Tashkent. He has a higher medical education. In 2017 she graduated from clinical residency in the specialty of clinical pharmacology. Assistant.
e-mail: Lola-isroilova @mail.ru