Since 1972, the rate of topographic anatomy of the basics of Surgery trains specialists in surgical areas, the departments of pediatrics and medical-pedagogical faculties Baccalaureate.

The research topic of the department is dedicated to “Changing the morphological parameters of the joint person depending on age,” teacher professry conduct research on the topic. And during the school year at the Department of scientific work carried out on the basis of planned and approved research programs.

These research projects lead Sh.M.Ahmedov. Tasks innovative groups created course basics of topographic anatomy and operative surgery: 1. Providing research independents in the primary structure of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 2. Provide learning research institute of traumatology and orthopedics Uzbekistan laboratory biomechanical study research. 3. The conduct of clinical trials. In order to improve the results of research based on laboratory studies and monitoring is carried out acts of submission to practice.

Changing the morphological parameters of the joints of the person depending on their age. Cooperation: Research Institute of the Siberian Division of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology Medical Academy, Russia.

Scope: study based on modern pedagogical and information and communication technology changes in the morphological parameters of the joint rights in relation to age. Subject of cooperation: – Provision of training system research projects using modern teaching and information and communication technologies; – Creation of software for presentation of research in education with modern teaching and information and communication technologies; –

Development and application in practice of the system in teaching and scientific research. The results obtained on the basic cooperation: – Based teaching and the role of modern information and communication technologies in the implementation of research in education; – Developed software for the application of modern educational technology, and information and communication technologies in education.

Vedustya on faculty research and for other direction until (adrenal gland morphology, morphology of cervical lymph nodes). Under the leadership of Sh.M.Akhmedova 4 people from department staff defended his thesis (Saidmuradov A.M.-1994, Tulemetov S.X.-2000, Kabulova M.U. – 2001, Jalolov R.K. – 2002 ) Conference opening students’ scientific society. Opening remarks the rector, prof. Daminov B.T. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, prof. Iskandarov A.I. Asamov M.I. a lecture on the completion of the scientific work on the topic “Age morphology of the hip in children”: Before the opening of the conference: Participants Society awarded commendation certificates and gifts: Participants in a circle on the practical lessons with Professor Sh.M.Ahmedovym.

They interview introductory ways surgeries over which they do research work: Members of the circle “Surgeon” in a research study: Members of the group “surgery” to exchange views with experts from Germany at the meeting:

XIV – Euro-Asian Symposium, Bishkek – 2-6 June 2018, the Kyrgyz Republic (organizers of Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Kazakhstan) 2 articles were received with the report of Prof. Akhmedov Sh.M.

The Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education jointly with Elsevier (the Netherlands) developed the national development program “Science-2020”. The main aim of this program is to improve the quality of research activities of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions of our country, as well as further expansion of the possibilities of registration in the databases of world educational resources, electronic catalogs of modern scientific literature. Within the framework of the national development program, it is planned to assist in the preparation of articles by young scientists and doctoral students, as well as support in the publication of their scientific papers in high-ranking journals.

The entire course  were registered in the international scientific databases of Scopus and Science Direct and downloaded literature information, articles and information on their specialty. Based on the data received, a database of the information and resource center is being formed. Currently, the infected population is 168 people. The downloaded data are used to cover the literary part of master’s theses, for dissertations of applicants for basic doctoral and doctoral studies, as well as independent applicants, for writing new publications.