As the name of our division, we can make the correct conclusion that the main activity of our division is innovation. Therefore the responsibility of the center include the introduction of new features designed to create comfort in the development activities of the faculty. History of the very rich. Our principle is the reliability and practicality of the solution to the problem. By popular activities include the development and implementation of projects for the development of informatization of the faculty of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

TitleLinkLaunch date
InnoMedUz – telegram, 2020
TashPMI video-conference communication portalconf.tashpmi.uzMarch, 2020
TPMI teachers portfolio portfolio.tashpmi.uzMarch, 2020
TPMI official web-site (new version)tashpmi.uzJanuary, 2020
TPMI Data Listdl.tashpmi.uzDecember, 2018
TPMI ICT distribution systemtaqsimot.tashpmi.uzMarch, 2018
TPMI portal of interactive services my.tashpmi.uzJanuary, 2016
TPMI electronic Journal virtu.tashpmi.uzJune, 2015
TPMI official web-site (old version)old.tashpmi.uzNovember, 2013
TPMI information portalinfoportal.tpmiOctober, 2010

Web platforms implemented by the Innovation Center:

1. InnoMedUz – telegram channel

Channel is dedicated to news in the field of high technologies and Innovations in Medicine, education and Healthcare. The channel contains materials about – Global news on new technologies in ICT and Medicine, on Innovation in Higher Medical Education and other areas, news about projects, competitions, grants and events in the field of ICT and Medicine of International Organizations in Uzbekistan, news about the activities of the Innovation Center of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute. Besides that we will also present a number of expert conclusions and results in the above areas, which will allow professionals to make the right decision and choose their own strategic development path for the development and implementation of innovative projects in their activities.

2. TashPMI video-conference system portal

TPMI video conference system portal – is unique tool for organizing an international and republican conferences, meetings. This portal was created on the basis of Trueconference technologies. The conference can be accessed by downloading the application or directly through the web browser.

3. TPMI teachers portfolio

This platform contains information on the scientific and educational activities of professors and teachers of the institute.

4. TPMI official web-site (new version)

The official web-site of TPMI meets all requirements of modern standards of web development and information needs, including the search function on the site, dynamism, the possibility of feedback (sending messages), and a convenient interface. The site developed in three languages: English, Russian and Uzbek. On this site you can find all information related to the institute, links to other web platforms operating in TPMI, and to the pages of government organizations.

5. TPMI Data List

TPMI Data List web platform is a new system created to facilitate some procedures in the creation and exchange of information, such as a schedule, a list of students.

6. TPMI ICT distribution system

The ICT distribution system is a web platform designed to quickly and conveniently exchange electronic documents online, which saves time and exchange documents from a distance. It also allows you to send documents (applications) with requests for the purchase of computer and computer equipment.

7. TPMI portal of interactive services

This portal was created to provide interactive services by our institute and is a model for the implementation of the E-Government project, which is developing in our country. TPMI interactive portal is developed and operates in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “About E-government”.

8. TPMI electronic Journal

TPMI electronic journal is a web platform created within the framework of the E-Government program and facilitating the work of the educational system, allowing teachers to grade, note the absence of students, and set some restrictions (deadlines for grading, identification of teachers) to ensure the correct work of the educational system without violations.

9. TPMI official web-site (old version)

Old version of the web-site

10. TPMI information portal

TPMI Information Portal is a complete universal web platform that serves all TPMI employees to receive information, download various types of files from the system (database), upload information to the system, as well as to provide feedback to the administrator and communicate in chat rooms and forums. The portal operates within the TPMI network.

Certificates of official registration of computer programs

Chat bot guide to help parents determine which vaccines their children should receive
Date of application: 14.05.2024
ATEK-chat bot (@AutismATEC_bot), which consists of a questionnaire for checking the status of a child for children with autism spectrum disorders
Date of application: 14.05.2024
OneID is a chat bot (@Virtu_MyIdUz_bot) that allows you to check person data using a single identification system
Date of application: 14.05.2024
Telegram chat bot (@kidneyeis_bot) that uses machine learning to predict the risk of kidney rejection after transplant
Date of application: 12.03.2024
Telegram chat bot (@diabeticstopa_bot) that determines the level of diabetes from the image of leg ulcers based on deep learning
Date of application: 12.03.2024
Android mobile application that predicts the risk of stroke based on machine learning algorithms
Date of application: 12.03.2024
A widget for android mobile applications that calculates daily calorie consumption
Date of application: 12.03.2024
An Android mobile application that predicts the risk of developing chronic kidney and urinary stone diseases based on artificial intelligence
Date of application: 12.03.2024
An android mobile application that predicts heart attack or cardiac arrhythmia from ECG images
Date of application: 12.03.2024
An iOS mobile app that predicts heart attacks or cardiac arrhythmias from ECG images
Date of application: 12.03.2024
A web application that predicts heart attacks or heart rhythm disturbances from ECG images
Date of application: 12.03.2024
A program that determines the level of diabetes from images of leg ulcers based on deep learning
Date of application: 12.03.2024
An interactive database on kidney transplant rejection risk prediction using machine learning
Date of application: 13.03.2024
Android mobile application determining the severity of cardiovascular diseases based on ECG images. Date of application: 31.01.2024
Piyoda – Android-based smartwatch application tracking daily burned calories. Date of application: 31.01.2024
Android mobile application predicting the risk of kidney diseases using machine learning. Date of application: 31.01.2024
iOS mobile application predicting the risk of kidney diseases using machine learning. Date of application: 31.01.2024
iOS mobile application determining the severity of cardiovascular diseases based on ECG images Date of application: 31.01.2024
Telegram chatbot providing primary information about common diseases. Date of application: 31.01.2024
Piyoda – a mobile iOS application widget that tracks daily calorie expenditure Date of application: 31.01.2024
Interactive web application for organ and tissue transplant recipients. Date of application: 31.01.2024
Web application supporting an interactive database of organ and tissue transplant recipients Date of application: 31.01.2024
Telegram bot that determines the severity of cardiovascular diseases based on ECG images Date of application: 31.01.2024
Telegram chatbot creating an automatic test based on the sent data. Date of application: 31.01.2024
Chatbot that stores and forwards a set of tests to the server. Date of application: 31.01.2024
A telegram chat-bot consisting of an interactive database for students. Date of application: 01.11.2023
A chat-bot for doctors and parents, determining the risk of autism spectrum disorder in children up to 15 years old. Date of application: 01.11.2023
A web app for diagnosing cardiomegaly based on computer vision.
Date of application: 01.11.2023
Ko’krak SARATONI UTD – is a web application for detecting breast cancer using computer vision.
Date of application: 01.11.2023
Biopsiya AI – is a web application for determining the risk of developing breast cancer based on computer vision
Date of application: 01.11.2023
An administrator panel that tracks the number of registrations from mobile applications
Date of application: 01.11.2023
SCQ – is an Android mobile app created based on the autism spectrum disorder questionnaire
Date of application: 01.11.2023
A mobile app for Android that fully determines autism.
Date of application: 01.11.2023
Kardiomigaliya – is an Android mobile app based on computer vision that determines the enlargement of the heart volume.
Date of application: 01.11.2023
CASD – is an Android mobile app created based on the autism spectrum disorder questionnaire
Date of application: 01.11.2023
Kardiomigaliya – is an iOS mobile app based on computer vision that determines the enlargement of the heart volume.
Date of application: 01.11.2023
Ko’krak Saratoni (KS AI) is an iOS mobile app that detects breast cancer using a neural network.
Date of application: 01.11.2023
An interactive database that allows identification of the disease cardiomygaly based on computer vision
Date of application: 20.09.2023
Autism Social Communication Questionnaire (Autism SCQ – mobile app for iOS)
Date of application: 20.09.2023
“Школа Аутизма” is a collection of interactive games for children in need of social assistance.
Date of application: 20.09.2023
AUTISM AI is a mobile application that predicts the risk of developing autism in children under 15 years of age based on computer vision and machine learning algorithms
Date of application: 20.09.2023
AUTIZM AI is an Android mobile application that detects autism in children based on the CARS, CASD, M-CHAT-R/F and SCQ questionnaires.
Date of application: 20.09.2023
Ko’krak Saratoni is a mobile application for Android that determines the risk of developing breast cancer in women through UTT and biopsy
Date of application: 20.09.2023
SCQ bot – Questionnaire for social communications (@SCQ_autism_bot)
Date of application: 20.09.2023
Biopsiya AI is a chat bot that detects breast cancer based on computer vision
Date of application: 20.09.2023
Ko’krak AI is a telegram chatbot that predicts the risk of developing breast cancer based on a sent UTT image.
Date of application: 20.09.2023
Yurak AI is a chatbot on Telegram that detects cardiomygaly based on computer vision.
Date of application: 20.09.2023
Telegram chat-bot that fully diagnoses the risk of cardiovascular diseaseA centralized approach to contact tracing in COVID-19
Date of application: 02.03.2022
Telegram chat-bot that fully diagnoses the risk of cardiovascular disease
Date of application: 15.08.2023
Telegram chat-bot that predicts autism spectrum disorder through computer vision
Date of application: 15.08.2023
A telegram bot that predicts the risk of developing early diabetes based on a machine learning algorithm
Date of application: 15.08.2023
An android mobile application for modeling epidemic spread – SIR model
Date of application: 15.08.2023
A web application that detects autism spectrum disorders through computer vision
Date of application: 15.08.2023
An Android mobile application that fully diagnoses the risk of cardiovascular diseases
Date of application: 15.08.2023
An iOS mobile application that fully diagnoses the risk of cardiovascular diseases
Date of application: 15.08.2023
An iOS mobile application that assesses the risk of developing autism in children under 15 years of age
Date of application: 15.08.2023
A mobile application for Аndroid that uses a machine learning algorithm to rate the risk of complications during pregnancy as low, medium, or high.
Date of application: 15.08.2023
A mobile application for Аndroid that detects diabetes and has 3 modules
Date of application: 15.08.2023
A mobile application for iOS that detects diabetes and has 3 modules
Date of application: 15.08.2023
A mobile application for Аndroid that detects stress levels through machine learning (Stressometer AI)
Date of application: 08.07.2023
Chat-bot that determines stress levels using machine learning
Date of application: 08.07.2023
Teleram chat bot predicting lung cancer risk using machine learning
Date of application: 08.07.2023
Web-based software for predicting lung cancer risk using machine learning
Date of application: 08.07.2023
mobile application based on machine learning algorithms predicting lung cancer
(Saraton AI)
Date of application: 08.07.2023
mobile application based on machine learning algorithms predicting lung cancer
(Saraton AI)
Date of application: 07.07.2023
Teleram chat bot predicting kidney stone disease through machine learning
Date of application: 07.07.2023
A mobile application for Android that uses machine learning methods to predict the likelihood of kidney stones (Tosh AI)
Date of application: 07.07.2023
Mobile application that uses machine learning methods to predict the likelihood of kidney stones (Tosh AI)
Date of application: 07.07.2023
Software to determine stress levels through machine learning (Stressometer AI)
Date of application: 07.07.2023
Web application for predicting renal urolithiasis using machine learning
Date of application: 08.07.2023
Mobile application for detecting autism in children under 3 years old based on the Random Forest algorithm
Date of application: 12.04.2023
Mobile application for android that determines autism in children under 3 years old based on the M-Chat-R/F™ algorithm (AUTIZM M-CHAT)
Date of application: 12.04.2023
iOS mobile application that determines the risk of developing CKD using machine learning algorithms.
Date of application: 12.04.2023
A mobile application on the iOS operating system that determines the risk of developing early diabetes through Machine Learning algorithms.
Date of application: 12.04.2023
iOS mobile application that determines the risk of developing CVD using machine learning algorithms.
Date of application: 12.04.2023
Interactive database of foreign-speaking employees of universities
Date of application: 12.04.2023
PubMed Multiple Article Classification Database with Neural Network
Date of application: 12.04.2023
An interactive database for predicting student mental health using machine learning
Date of application: 12.04.2023
Database to identify real and fake photos using deep learning
Date of application: 12.04.2023
Interactive drug side effects classification database
Date of application: 12.04.2023
A mobile application on the iOS operating system that determines the risk of developing a stroke through Machine Learning algorithms.
Date of application: 12.04.2023
Chatbot for detecting autism in children aged 3 to 15 according to the CARS (Childhood Autism Rating Scale)
Date of application: 12.04.2023
Mobile application on Android OS for detecting autism in children aged 3 to 15 years according to the CARS scale
Date of application: 12.04.2023
A chat bot that determines the risk of developing a cardiovascular disease using the XGBClassifier machine learning algorithm.
Date of application: 12.04.2023
A chat bot that identifies cognitive, emotional, and behavioral components of treatment adherence in patients with chronic and somatic illnesses
Date of application: 12.04.2023
Chatbot for detecting autism in children under 3 years old based on the Random Forest algorithm (
Date of application: 12.04.2023
Mobile application, expressive cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of people with chronic and somatic diseases
(Davolanishga Sodiqlik)
Date of application: 12.04.2023
Mobile application, expressive cognitive, emotional and behavioral components of people with chronic and somatic diseases
Date of application: 12.04.2023
WEB application and screening tool for identifying symptoms of autism in children
Date of application: 12.04.2023
Program for automatic management of users to determine the level of knowledge of a foreign language
Date of application: 12.04.2023
A program to determine the level of CO2 contamination from the use of passenger vehicles by machine learning.
Date of application: 13.03.2023
A mobile application on iOS devices that determines through machine learning algorithms a low, medium or high risk of developing maternal complications during pregnancy.
Date of application: 13.03.2023
Interactive database for determining cardiovascular diseases by electrocardiogram using machine learning.
Date of application: 13.03.2023
A chatbot that identifies 7 different skin diseases based on the image sent (@teri_ai_bot).
Date of application: 13.03.2023
A program to determine the level of stress using machine learning.
Date of application: 13.03.2023
Interactive database of definitions of autism in children using computer vision
Date of application: 13.03.2023
An iOS mobile application for calculating the amount of carbon dioxide released from a car using machine learning.
Date of application: 13.03.2023
Interactive database for predicting urolithiasis of the kidneys
Anonymous chat bot that identifies autism in children under 16 years old inclusive based on the CASD survey
Date of application: 03.03.2022
Mobile application on Android OS for calculating the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from a car using machine learning.
Date of application: 03.03.2022
Piyoda – iOS application for calculating calories burned while walking
Date of application: 03.03.2022
Chatbot that determines the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in the next 10 years according to the Framingham scale
Date of application: 03.03.2022
Interactive database of CO2 pollution from passenger car use
Date of application: 17.02.2022
Interactive symptomatic disease prediction database
Date of application: 17.02.2022
Interactive Migraine Prediction Database with Machine Learning
Date of application: 17.02.2022
Interactive database of smoking prediction using machine learning
Date of application: 17.02.2022
Mobile application for the prediction of autism in children under 3 years of age using machine learning algorithms
Date of application: 30.12.2022
A program that determines the risk of developing diabetes using machine learning
Date of application: 30.12.2022
A program that determines the body mass index using machine learning
Date of application: 30.12.2022
The program of the analytical model of forecasting epidemics of infectious diseases
Date of application: 30.12.2022
A program that determines the risk of autism in children under 3 years of age using machine learning
Date of application: 30.12.2022
Classification of tuberculosis by lung X-rays using computer vision
Date of application: 30.12.2022
A program that determines the risk of developing maternal complications during pregnancy using machine learning
Date of application: 30.12.2022
A program that detects malaria in human blood using computer vision
Date of application: 30.12.2022
Database for the definition of monkey pox using neural networks
Date of application: 19.12.2022
Database for stress detection by machine learning
Date of application: 19.12.2022
Database on the classification of pneumothorax using neural networks
Date of application: 19.12.2022
Database for the definition of osteoarthritis of the knee joint using neural networks
Date of application: 19.12.2022
Database on patient navigation for further treatment
Date of application: 19.12.2022
Database on early diagnosis of diabetes risk using machine learning
Date of application: 19.12.2022
Database on the classification of thyroid diseases using machine learning
Date of application: 19.12.2022
Interactive database that identifies acute appendicitis using machine learning
Date of application: 22.11.2022
Interactive database predicting the spread of infections using the SIR model
Date of application: 22.11.2022
A program that determines the degree of diabetic retinopathy using computer vision
Date of application: 21.11.2022
A program that determines the type of skin cancer using neural networks
Date of application: 21.11.2022
A program that determines the severity of Alzheimer’s disease using computer vision
Date of application: 21.11.2022
Interactive database that identifies malaria using computer vision
Date of application: 17.11.2022
Interactive database that identifies autism using machine learning
Date of application: 17.11.2022
Interactive database of students of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
Date of application: 18.10.2022
Program for conducting a comparative statistical analysis of the spread of COV1D-19 between the two countries
Date of application: 10.10.2022
A program for the administration of students of higher educational institutions with the possibility of statistical analysis
Date of application: 10.10.2022
Program for conducting statistical analysis of the spread of COVID-19 around the world
Date of application: 10.10.2022
Chatbot that determines the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in the next 10 years and throughout life, as well as the level of CVD in the age range (SCORE 2)
Date of application: 07.09.2022
An interactive database that uses neural networks to determine the arrhythmia of the heart rhythm on the ECG
Date of application: 07.09.2022
Computer vision differential diagnosis program between pneumonia and COVID-19
Date of application: 31.08.2022
A program that detects brain tumors using computer vision
Date of application: 31.08.2022
An interactive database for determining the severity of diabetic retinopathy from fundus images using computer vision
Date of application: 31.08.2022
Interactive database for determining the Body Mass Index using artificial intelligence algorithms
Date of application: 31.08.2022
An interactive database that determines the presence or absence of a brain tumor using computer vision
Date of application: 08.08.2022
An interactive database to determine the health of the human fetus using machine learning
Date of application: 08.08.2022
An interactive database that identifies low, medium or high risk of maternal complications during pregnancy using machine learning algorithms
Date of application: 08.08.2022
An interactive database for determining the severity of Alzheimer’s disease from MRI images using computer vision
Date of application: 08.08.2022
Telegram bot that uses machine learning algorithms to determine low, medium or high risk of developing maternal complications during pregnancy
Date of application: 02.08.2022
Telegram bot that determines the presence or absence of a brain tumor using computer vision
Date of application: 02.08.2022
An interactive database using a neural network that determines the presence of hepatitis C diseases using 5 machine learning algorithms
Date of application: 15.07.2022
An interactive database that determines the presence or absence of a medical mask on a face using computer vision
Date of application: 15.07.2022
Vep program determines the risk of developing cardiovascular disease using neural networks
Date of application: 15.07.2022
Vep program determines the likelihood of developing chronic kidney disease using artificial intelligence algorithms
Date of application: 15.07.2022
Program for online diagnostics of the probability of contrast-induced origin of nephropathy
Date of application: 15.07.2022
Chat-bot determines the likelihood of developing chronic kidney disease using artificial intelligence algorithms
Date of application: 15.07.2022
WEB application for calculating the probability of positive or negative status of COVID-19 (COVID)
Date of application: 27.06.2022
The program counts calories spent while walking, converts steps into meters, and also calculates the average step length
Date of application: 27.06.2022
WEB-application for calculating the probability of getting a stroke using Artificial Intelligence (Insult Risk AI)
Date of application: 27.06.2022

The program calculates the risk of developing sleep apnea
Date of application: 27.06.2022
Interactive database for the detection of breast cancer in women using computer vision
Date of application: 21.06.2022
Covid-19 interactive to compare current spread statistics between countries
Date of application: 21.06.2022
A neural network that detects viral etiology and diagnoses COVID-19 pneumonia
using an interactive database.
Date of application: 21.06.2022
Chatbot that determines the risk of COVID-19 infection using four machine learning algorithms.
Date of application: 11.05.2022
Mobile application for risk assessment of noncommunicable chronic diseases.
Date of application: 11.05.2022
An interactive database that determines the positive or negative state of COVID-19 using 8 machine learning algorithms.
Date of application: 10.05.2022
An interactive database that uses a neural network to determine a person’s emotional state.
Date of application: 10.05.2022
An interactive database for determining the risk of developing chronic kidney disease using 5 machine learning algorithms.
Date of application: 10.05.2022
The main program for statistical processing of the spread of COVID-19 around the world – Covid-10 Dashboard Monitor
Date of application: 10.05.2022
Determining the likelihood of a stroke using a chatbot with artificial intelligence
Date of application: 25.03.2022
A program that estimates stroke risk using 8 machine learning algorithms
Date of application: 25.03.2022
Neural network for skin cancer detection using computer vision
Date of application: 25.03.2022
Program for calculating the risk of tonsillitis in 3 ways
Date of application: 25.03.2022
NEWS-2 Assessment Program for COVID-19 Patients
Date of application: 10.03.2022
COVID-19, a mobile application for the differential diagnosis of colds and flu
Date of application: 10.03.2022
Neural network for determining the risk of cardiovascular diseases
Date of application: 07.03.2022
D-Net Differential diagnosis of skin diseases using a neural network
Date of application: 07.03.2022
Programmnoe obespechenie dlya vyyavleniya riska nefropatii s kontrastnym usileniem
Date of application: 21.02.2022
Online program for assessing the level of anxiety and depression in a hospital
Date of application: 02.02.2022
Chatbot for calculating the risk of acute appendicitis in a patient on a 4-point scale
Date of application: 02.02.2022
Chatbot to quantify depression and anxiety symptoms
Date of application: 02.02.2022
Program for assessing neurological status, vascular localization, differential diagnosis and treatment outcomes
Date of application: 02.02.2022
COVID-19, Neural network for the absence of colds, flu or diseases
Date of application: 02.02.2022
Neural network for determining the severity of COVID-19
Date of application: 02.02.2022
Differential diagnosis of ten diseases of the gastrointestinal tract Neural network
Date of application: 02.02.2022
Chatbot for calculating the risk of postoperative venous thromboembolic complications
Date of application: 01.02.2022
Chatbot for Risk Assessment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Stop Bang
Date of application: 13.12.2021
Program for the revision of the ICD 11
Date of application: 13.12.2021
Pedometer, walking calorie calculator
Date of application: 13.12.2021
Dynamic database of 10-year risk of developing type 2 diabetes
Date of application: 13.12.2021
Interactive database of recipients after organ and tissue transplantation
Date of application: 03.12.2021
Database with translation of the International Classification of Diseases into Uzbek and Russian
Date of application: 16.11.2021
Chatbot for assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease
Date of application: 09.11.2021
Chatbot for diabetic risk assessment
Date of application: 09.11.2021
Online Tracking Program for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Requiring Dialysis
Date of application: 27.10.2021
Program for converting, encrypting and compressing PDF files
Date of application: 08.10.2021
Chatbot for calculating calories using four formulas
Date of application: 08.10.2021
Bot for creative generation of QR codes
Date of application: 08.10.2021
DB of health laws
Date of application: 20.09.2021
Bot for calculating body mass index with 8 options
Date of application: 06.09.2021
Number converter from digital to text
in 3 languages:
-Uzbek (Cyrillic and Latin)
Online version, Python
Date of application: 06.09.2021
Program for differential diagnosis between covid, cold and flu
Date of application: 13.08.2021
Database of abbreviations and abbreviations
with their transcripts in Uzbek
in Latin
Date of application: 10.08.2021
Automatic multilingual translation of numbers into words
Date of application: 26.07.2021
Automatic detection and correction of the current keyboard layout of the Uzbek language in Cyrillic and Latin
Date of application: 14.07.2021
Checking the spelling of Uzbek words in Latin with a brief interpretation of their meanings
Date of application: 14.07.2021
Uzbek Latin and Cyrillic transliterated desktop program
Date of application: 16.06.2021
Online program with transliteration of the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet of the Uzbek language
Date of application: 16.06.2021
Multi-user program for secure storage of logins and passwords
Date of application: 08.06.2021
Database of Uzbek words, suffixes and misspelled word variants
Date of application: 25.05.2021
Automatic generation of contracts for the payment of contractual education of students in higher educational institutions
Date of application: 22.04.2021
Automated database of the professional activity of the teaching staff in higher educational institutions
Date of application: 05.01.2021
System for creating unified data in an established template for universities
Date of application: 11.03.2019
Web-based system for interactive distribution of computer and office equipment in universities
Date of application: 25.11.2019
Automated certificate generator
Date of application: 29.09.2017
Monitoring system of the educational process in medical universities
Date of application: 28.09.2017