He is working as the chief of department
Khudayberdiev Asomiddin Kurbonkulovich
Was born on January, 1th, 1981 in the Samarkand region. He has the higher education. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor.
The address: Tashkent, Yunusabad District, Bogishamol Street, 223.Tashkent pediatric medical institute, department of spirituality and enlighting
Tel: + 998 (71) 260-28-98;
fax: +99871 260-33-14;
e-mail: manaviyat@tashpmi.uz

She is working as the methodologist of department
Nurmetova Nilufar Mahmudjanovna
Was born on January 9. 1985 in the Horezm province.
She has the higher education.
The address: Tashkent, Yunusabad District, Bogishamol Street, 223.
Tel: +99871 260-28-98;
e-mail: manaviyat@tashpmi.uz

She is working as the methodologist of department
Ergashev Jamshid Axmadaliyevich
Was born on June, 12th, 1995 in the Tashkent region.
She has the higher education.
The address: Tashkent, Yunusabad District, Bogishamol Street, 223.
Tel: +99871 260-28-98;
e-mail: manaviyat@tashpmi.uz