The minutes of the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute No. 3 dated 09/27/2022 approved the new structure of the Institute, according to which, on the basis of the position of the press secretary of the Institute, the activities of the Press Service of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute were organized with the allocation of 2 full-time units funded by extra-budgetary funds of the Institute and the regulations on the Press Service of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute were approved.

The main tasks of the Press Service are:

regularly, fully and promptly provide the public with information about the activities of the Institute through the mass media (hereinafter — the “media”), social networks, the official website of the Institute, as well as other information resources, including by organizing press conferences, briefings, media tours;

formation and promotion of a positive image of the institute, the study of public opinion in the course of social surveys and other forms;

establishing effective practical cooperation with the information service of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the implementation of assigned tasks in the field of information policy;

formation of an expert group for the purpose of effective cooperation with the media, rapid dissemination of information among journalists and bloggers who constantly work with the press service of the Institute;

organization of regular speeches of the institute’s leaders in the media;

organization of work on monitoring and analysis of the information space, prompt response to critical and widely discussed information attacks, dissemination of information related to the activities of the Institute in the media and the Internet;

preparation of messages, information, commentary and other information and analytical materials together with the Institute’s departments for distribution through domestic and foreign media;

studying public opinion about the institute’s activities, the position of national and foreign media, developing relevant proposals and informing the institute’s management about them;

if necessary, provision of authorized ministries and departments, diplomatic missions of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad, as well as diplomatic missions of foreign countries in Uzbekistan with information materials (printed materials, photo, audio, video materials, etc.) in order to provide high-quality coverage of the institute’s activities in foreign media;

formation and updating of a database of text, photo, audio and video materials related to the activities of the Institute.

Dear journalists!

Filming on the territory of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute and the Institute’s clinic is carried out only after written approval from the Press Service.

For media accreditation for interviews or filming on the territory and/or in the premises of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute and the Institute’s clinic, we ask you to send an official request to the Press Service in advance (preferably on an official letterhead).

The request must include the following information:
— The name of the organization, the media
— Full address
— Full name of the applicant
— Phone number
— Email
— Description of the request (scenario, questions, suggestions regarding shooting locations and prospective speakers, etc.)
— Date of shooting or interview.

Download a sample request for accreditation >>>

Contacts for media accreditation and for posting information on the website


Head of the Press Service – Press Secretary of the Institute – Abidov Khasankhoja Alisherovich
Phone: +998-71-260-38-48