The chairman of Council of curators
Begmanov Sattor Amanovich
Was born on February, 14th, 1968 in the Tashkent area. The higher medical education, the candidate of medical sciences, the senior lecturer.
The adress: Tashkent, Yunusabad District, Bogishamol Street, 223.
Tel: +99871 262-34-02;
e-mail: manaviyat@tashpmi.uz

The main curator, I-Pediatric faculty
Abidova Nilufar Asatullayevna
She was born April 11, 1972 in Tashkent. Has higher medical education, assistant.
Tel: + 998 ( 71 ) 262-28-83
E-mail: manaviyat@tashpmi.uz

The main curator, II-Pediatric faculty
Xodjayeva Dilbar Xamidovna
She was born December 24, 1971 in the city of Tashkent. Has higher education, KB.n associate Professor.
Тел: + 998 90 315-71-28
E-mail: manaviyat@tashpmi.uz

Chief curator of the faculty of medical-pedagogical and medicine
Musurmonqulov Jaxongir Maxamatjonovich
He was born December 07, 1983 in Fergana region. Has higher medical education, assistant.
Tel: + 998 (98) 363-28-21
E-mail: jahongir.sme@mail.ru