Chairman by Woman’s committee
Usta-Azizova Dilnoza Axrarovna
The address: the City of Tashkent, Yunusabad district, street Bogishamol 223.
Tel: +99891 1347649, +99871 260-36-58
E.mail: jensovet_tpmi@umail.uz

Chairman woman committee of 1-pediatrical faculty
Akbarkhodjaeva Khurshida Nadjimiddinovna
The address: the City of Tashkent, Yunusabad district, street Bogishamol 223.
Tel: +99891 1347649, +99871 260-36-58
E.mail: jensovet_tpmi@umail.uz

Chairman woman committee of medical-pedagogical faculty
Kаrimova Gulchexra Аlmаrdоnоvnа
The address: the City of Tashkent, Yunusabad district, street Bogishamol 223.
Tel: +99891 1347649, +99871 260-36-58
E.mail: jensovet_tpmi@umail.uz

Chairman woman committee of 2-pediatrical faculty
Gafurova Nigora Sobitovna
The address: the City of Tashkent, Yunusabad district, street Bogishamol 223.
Tel: +99891 1347649, +99871 260-36-58
E.mail: jensovet_tpmi@umail.uz

Chairman woman committee of Nurses with Higher Education faculty
Tillabayeva Akida Aripovna
The address: the City of Tashkent, Yunusabad district, street Bogishamol 223.
Tel: +99891 1347649, +99871 260-36-58
E.mail: jensovet_tpmi@umail.uz