On September 14, 2023, the deputy khokim of the Yunusabad district, head of the department for family and women’s affairs, Dilfuza Mukhsimova, visited the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute and inspected the conditions created for girls in the student dormitory of the institute. The students were given advice and recommendations on issues of cleanliness of premises and compliance with sanitary hygiene rules. The students expressed gratitude and understanding.

After this, the Institute’s Women’s Advisory Council organized an event among students on the themes “There is no salvation but science,” “Gratitude and peace are the highest good,” and “Clothing is a mirror of spirituality.”

During the event, Dilfuza Mukhsimova, deputy khokim of the Yunusabad region, head of the department of family and women’s affairs, made a report and informed students about the topic of the event. At the end of the event, students received answers to their questions.