Information on the course’s academic work

The creative team headed by Professor SS Gulamov participates in the training of general practitioners (GP) – students of TashPMI (pediatric, medical and pedagogical and medical faculties). Employees developed and approved the types of educational and work programs for the discipline “Children’s Dentistry”, prepared questions for computer testing and clinical tasks for an oral interview. Within the framework of the project, tests of various levels of complexity for students of 5-7 courses, pediatric and medical-pedagogical faculty have been developed.

All conditions have been created for the training of specialists: teaching programs based on standards, methodologies, a rich library, excellent educational audiences equipped with modern technical means.

The ministry of higher secondary and special   education

Republic of Uzbekistan

Tashkent pediatric medical institute


Vice rector by Academic Affairs  _______ Professor. K.N. Khaitov2018 year  «       » june




Direction of education:          510 000       – Health Care

Direction of education:        5111000      -Vocational education

                                             5510100       -Treatment work

General teaching load     –      54

With this:

Lections                            –       4

Practical work                 –       32  (IX-X  term)

Independent work           –       18

                              Tashkent – 2018

                                               1.Methodical directions of subject teaching

Aim of teaching the subject ― to give students concept about dental diseases, to improve students’ experience about giving the emergency medical care for patients and right of patients direction to particular specialists. Dentistry will be studied on the following basic principles to study a new training material on the basis of integration earlier acquired knowledge 

Task of the subject ― to improve students knowledge about dental diseases, their etiology, pathogenesis, clinic appearance, treatment and preventing their complication, to teach students give emergency medical care for patients who have dental diseases and to teach to give right direction to particular specialists.

Student should have conceptions such as:

– Time eruption of teeth; etiopatology of caries dieses, current and complications (pulpitis, periodontitis), prophylaxis of caries dieses and complications;  diseases of mucous layer of oral cavity and their interconnectedness with internal diseases; jaw disease( periostitis, osteomielitis, abscess and flegmons); anomalies and deformations of jaw;

congenital diseases of jaw; traumatic diseases of jaw, their clinic and complications, tumor and tumor like diseases of jaw;

Student must know:

– History-taking from patients, manual and objective examination of jaw;

to inspect additional examination of patients and give right direction to particular specialists for consultation; to conduct disease prevention and be able to use it.

              Student must have skills related to:

– removal of loose teeth;  perform regional anesthesia during emergency medical care;  to cut abscesses on face, to wear a sling for the upper-jaw;  first aid in acute pain;  primary drug treatment with stomatitis.

2. Content of lections lessons

 1 The subject of dentistry and its tasks. Its role to the doctors of general practice. Main problems of the dentistry. Link of anatomic and functional properties of facial-jaw region and age. Caries complications (pulpitis, periodontitis, lymphadenitis, osteomyelitis). Significance of odontogenic inflammatory focus in development of facial-jaw region’s pathologic processes. Oral cavity sanation. Prophylaxis of caries.           2
  2Diseases of mucous layer of oral cavity. Congenital defect of upper lip and palate. Traumatic processes of facial-jaw region. Safe and dangerous tumor and tumor-like diseases of facial-jaw region. Care of patients. Significance of dispensary control. 2

Total 4

3.Content of practical lessons

                                    Topics of practical lessonsTime
 1The earliest symptoms of dental diseases and defining them. Basics of examination of facial-jaw region, methods of examination of patient in dentistry (try to hit, probe, palpate). Time of tooth eruption.     4
  2Diseases of the teeth: caries. Caries complications: pulpitis, periodontitis. First aid by acute pain. Odontogenic inflammatory processes of facial-jaw region: periostitis, abscess, phlegmona, osteomyelitis. Methods of inflammation of infection in nidus.          4
 3Diseases of oral cavity mucous layer. Their classification, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnostic, treatment and prevention.      6
  4Anomalies and deformations of oral cavity. Line of teeth and defects of teeth, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnostic, treatment and prevention.6
 5Prevention of dental diseases in preschool children by pediatrics. Antenatal prophylaxis of dental diseases.6
 6Prevention of dental diseases in school children by pediatrics. Antenatal prophylaxis of dental diseases.6

Total 32hours

4Independent study

The following topics students have to acquire independently
1  Anatomy and histology of teeth
2Basis inspection of tooth of front area, methods inspection of stomatologic patients
3Modern methods treatment of caries and prevention
4Disease of a mucous layer of an oral cavity. Oral cavity sanitation
5Prevention from the pediatrician of children to school age
6Post natal prevention of dental patients