At the Department of Allergology, Clinical Immunology and Microbiology to date once a week curatorial groups, based on the curatorial schedule, conducted “Information” and “educational” clock for time management. For each student is prepared and discussed schedule. All groups are held to familiarize students with the activities aimed at the prevention of various seasonal infectious diseases. 

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Second-year students who study at a given department, for 5-10 minutes before class to educate teachers on “the spiritual image of the student,” and discusses concepts such as good behavior, humility, diligence, conscientiousness, honesty, justice, generosity and compassion. 

In the direction of a religious knowledge and spirituality, big changes, between classes, on television that has shown in the classroom multimedia, video on “Islam – a generous religion.” In addition, discussions are conducted on such topics as “Introduction to Politics”, “The negative consequences of illegal actions in foreign countries.” Showing videos about the dangers of drugs”. Showing videos about the dangers of drugs.  Curators gets acquainted with the living conditions of students, establishing a relationship with their parents on education.