Responsible for the medical activities of the department: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Murathodzhaeva A.V.
Throughout the academic year, department staff conduct consultations based on the schedule in the clinical departments of the 4th State Children's Clinical Hospital and clinical bases.
Professors and associate professors of the department conduct rounds in cardiorheumatology departments and consult seriously ill children.
Every year, employees of the department engage in charity work and take part in preventive medical examinations at Muruvvat, boarding school No. 1 for disabled children.
Employees of the department conduct scientific and practical conferences for doctors of the 4th State Children's Clinical Hospital based on the schedule.
The head of the department and all staff took an active part in the daily meetings held in the clinic.
In January 2023, the “Report on the medical activities of the department for 2022” was heard, as a result of which the medical activities of the department were highly appreciated by the management of the clinic.