1972 Pediatric medical institute was founded on the grounds of edict government Uzbekistan. At the beginning was initially formed 2departments of the internal diseases. The Managinging department was Bahadyrov A. Managing department propedeuticus internal diseases was nominated doctor of the medical sciences professor Sharapov U.B. Since SAMPI was a new institute department was based in 17-ouch town hospital. On department worked doc. Inoyatova L.H., assistents ZHalalova D.M., Tadzhiev D.SH., Irismetova N.S., Gaffarova F.K., Vasilenko L.I., Suyumova, Lukyanchikov. 1979 1-2-4-5 courses taught in SAMPI 2departments of the internal diseases. On the first department of the internal diseases managing departments was Bahadyrov A., on twice to department of the internal diseases professor Babahodzhaev N.K.. 1979 from that that institute became to enlarge Department optional therapy stood out from department propedeuticus. And as from this year and department of the internal diseases was formed on сей day. The Managing department was SHarapov U.B., assistant professor Gaffarova F.K., assistents ZHalalova D.M., SHodmonov U., Tuyzhonova, Gayupova G.M. Under the direction of Sharapov U.B. scholastic-methodical allowance was published for optional терапии. The Whole 150 scientific articles were published on department, 5 methodical allowances. 1994 under the direction of Sharapov U.B. and assistant professor Gaffarova F.K., SHodmonov U. Was printed textbook “Internal disease” In 2005 on department was opened magistracy on professions “Cardiology”. In 2004 department was divided into 2 separate departments: Optional and war-field therapy (the head of the chair Babazhanov A.) and Of hospital therapy and propedeuticus of internal diseases (the head of the chair Rahimov SH.M.). Previous composition of the department

Currently, the staff of the department are: MD, Professor Alavi B.A., MD, Professor Daminov B.T., MD, Associate Professor Sabirzhanova Z.T., MD, Associate Professor Raimkulova N.R., MD, Associate Professor Egamberdieva D.A., MD, Associate Professor Atahodzhaeva G.A., MD, Associate Professor Muminov D.K., MD, associate Professor Muminov Sh.K., MD, Associate Professor Abdullaev Sh.S., PhD, Associate professor Kadirova G.G., PhD, Associate Professor Karimdzhanova G.A., PhD, Associate Professor Mirzayeva B.M., PhD, associate Professor Ruzmetova I.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor Tursunbaev A.K., Ph.D., Associate Professor Arnapolskaya D.I., Ph.D., Associate Professor Aripova J.S., Ph.D., assistant Sharapov O.N., Ph.D. (PhD), assistant Abbasov A.K., D.F.M.N. (PhD), assistant Aripkhodzhaeva F.Z., D.F.M.N. (PhD), assistant Asadov N.Z., D.F.M.N. (PhD), assistant Odilova D.Sh., D.Ph.D. M.N. (PhD), associate Professor Ortikboev Zh.O., Ph.D. M.N. (PhD), assistant Usmanova U.S., Ph.D.M.N. (PhD), assistant Khamraeva N.A., Ph.D.M.N. (PhD), assistant Abduvakhitova A.N., Doctor of Ph.D. (PhD), assistant Mirsaidova H.M., Doctor of Ph.D. (PhD), assistant Kayumov N.U., Doctor of Ph.D. (PhD), assistant Nigmanov B.B., assistant Asomov M.I., assistant Valiev A.A., assistant Gazieva H.Sh., assistant Nurmukhamedova E.K., assistant Jabbarova A.M., assistant Ikramova A.Sh., assistant Igamberdieva R.Sh., assistant Saidov Sh.B., assistant Tursunbaev R.S., assistant Usmonov D.A., assistant Khudoiberdieva G.A., assistant Daminov A.B., assistant Akramov B.B., assistant Bazaripov S.Zh., assistant Hatamov E.A., assistant Yuldasheva Y.H., assistant Rasulev E.E., assistant Halmukhamedov J.A., assistant Minovarova C.A., assistant Azizov Sh.I., assistant Fazilbekova Z.N., assistant Ismailova E.N.

Students of the 1st year of pediatric, medical and medical-pedagogical faculties on the subject “Introduction to the medical profession”, students of the 2nd and 3rd year of pediatric, medical and medical-pedagogical faculties on the subject “Propaedeutics of internal diseases” students of the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th year of pediatric, medical and medical-pedagogical faculties on the subject of “Internal diseases”. The department is engaged in the strengthened scientific topic “The study of clinical and pathophysiological changes in diseases of the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension, chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease), the development of treatment methods based on them.”

In their scientific and practical, pedagogical activities, the staff of the department closely cooperate with the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation, the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Center for Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation, 5-GCB.
The staff of the department actively participates in the development of methodological recommendations and textbooks on internal diseases and propaedeutics of internal diseases.
Over the past 10 years, the staff of the department has published more than 1,500 scientific articles, 20 monographs and received 12 patents for computers from the intellectual property agency.
In addition, the staff of the department, applicants take an active part in international conferences, congresses and symposiums.

Present composition of the department

Managing department

Budyanskiy Mihail Veniaminovich
Managing department with 1979 on 1991

Isamuhamedov Sadriddin Zayniddinovich
Managing department twith 1982 on 1985

Sharapov Utkir Bakihanovich
Managing department with 1972 on 2000

Mahmudov Bahrom Hamidovich
Managing department since 1992 on 1997

Rahimov SHuhrat Malikovich
Managing department with 2000 on 2012

At present managing department
Alyavi Bahromkhon Anishanovich