2020-2021 Progress Report on Enlightenments Activities at the Chair on Faculty Internal Diseases, Hospital  Internal Diseases, Military-the Field Therapy, Professional Diseases and Internal Diseases Propedeutics of the Tashkent Pediatrics Medical Institute

Activities implements in accordance with approved action plan of the Chair for current academic year. First activity, devoted to the celebration of the 29th Anniversary of Uzbekistan’s Independence, was organized in the beginning of September 2020. During “Independence Lectures” students were informed on achievements of Uzbekistan since Independence and on-going reforms in all spheres of life of the country.

Enlightenments and “Information” learning programs are carrying out in each students group. During such programs students are getting update information in respect to on-going socio-economic reforms in Uzbekistan and related news in foreign countries, Decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan.

In the first days of the academic year, Associate Professor Tursunboyev A.K. an event was held in the ZOOM platform dedicated to the institute rules followed by students and students received explanations on their questions. In November, the staff of the department participated in organizing and holding an event dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle based on the tasks of the State Program among employees of the 50th polyclinic, Yunusabad district, where the participants received full information about Covid-19 and received comprehensive answers to their questions.

Special event on “Cultural and Scientific Legacy of our Great Predecessors” was organized in 26 November 2020. Lectures on the Khorezm Mamun Academy, great medieval scholars and thinkers were presented for the attention of students. In particular, students were informed on life and scientific achievements of Ibn Sina, well-known in Europe under the name Avicenna, who made a great contribution for development of medicine.

Round table meetings with students and faculty on role of Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and on new amendments to it were organized in the first decade of December 2020.