Topics of masters second year:
Abduraxmanova Nigora Faxriddinovna
Topic:”Characteristics of osteopenic syndrome in patients with verified atherosclerosis of coronary arteries”.
Saidov Shavkat Baxromovich
Topic: “Intracardiac hemodynamics and kidney filtration capacity indicators in various schemes of treatment of coronary heart disease”
Ismailova Elnara Nadirovna
Topic:”Optimization of early diagnostics of bronchial hypersensitivity in patients with respiratory allergosis”
Yusupov Adamboy Mamadjonovich
Topic:”Disturbance of vegetative status in patients with chronic heart failure of ischemic etiology”.
Eshonqulova Oisha Alimurod qizi
Topic: “The functional state of heart and kidneys in patients with chronic heart failure and atrial fibrillation”
Rasulev Yorqin Erkinovich
Topic:”Disturbance of bone-mineral metabolism in patients with chronic kidney disease of various etiology”.
Asatullayeva Dilnoza Shavkat qizi
Topic: “Intestinal flora status in cours of treatment of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease”
Topics of masters third year:
Hadjimatova Iroda Hamidullayevna
Topic: “Study of the association between venous disease of the lower limbs and metabolic syndrome in patients with osteoarthritis”
Aminova Diyorakhon Alisherkhon kizi
Topic: “The vascular remodeling and systemic inflammation activity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”
Aminova Iroda Parxadovna
Topic: “Evaluation of the long – time results of revascularization in patients with CHD on the basis of a single center”
Normurodov Tolibjon Shavkat ogli
Topic: “Heart rate variability in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on the background of bronchodilator therapy”
Eshkorayev Abdulla Tolib ogli
Topic: “Clinical features of acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with chronic heart failure”
Isayeva Gulshan Sadullayevna
Topic: “Risk factors for development in patient with CKD and atrial fibrillation”
Anvarkhodjayeva Shirinxon Gaybullo kizi
Topic: “The clinical peculiarities and the quality of live in patients with bronchial asthma due to the comorbide status”
Kosimova Guzal Botirovna
Topic: “Peculiarities of gastroesophageal reflux disease in patients with chronic kidney disease”
Mamajonova Zebo Shokirjon kizi
Topic: “Neuro-vegetative status in female with arterial hypertension and menopausal syndrome”
Nurutdinova Evelina Arturovna
Topic: “Risk factors gut disbiosis and their role in the progression of chronic kidney disease”
Salimboyeva Komila Shukhratovna
Topic: “Relation between hyperuricemia and clinical-hemodynamic parameters in patients with chronic heart failure”