Responsible for curatorial work at the Department of ass. Kaleda S P.

Spiritual and educational work at the department is on schedule. SCHEDULE INFORMATION hour curatorial GROUPS 501- 507 medical and educational faculty at Department of General practition, therapy and clinik pharmakology.

Curator 501- 507 groups familiar with the living conditions of students living in rented apartments. Twice a month, according to the schedule meet and discuss the problems of students. Meeting facilitators with their teams to national holidays Constitution Day, Independence Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Nowruz, and many others.

Information hour 

GroupCuratorDate of information hours
1.501 m. p.Kadomtseva Larisa Viktorovna Twice a month, every second and fourth Thursday
2.502 m. p.Kaleda Svetlana PetrovnaTwice a month, every second and fourth Tuesday
3.501, 504 m. p.Pulatova Sevara ShamsitdinovnaTwice a month, every second and fourth Monday
4.505,507 m. p.Valieva Tamila AbdulazizovnaTwitchy and montn, Avery second Thursday of the Andes furth Tuesday.
5.506 m. p.Polikarpova Nataliya Vladimirovna Twice a month, every first Wednesday and the fourth Wednesday.

Info hour with a group of 501, with assistent professor Kadomceva L. V.

Info hour with a group of 507, with assistent Tuhvatulina E. R.

Info hour with a group of 506, with assistent Polikarpova N. V.
Info hour with a group of 505, with assistent Valieva T. A.

Info hour with a group of 502, with assistent Kaleda S. P.

Info hour with a group of 502, with assistent Mahmudova N. R.

Info hour with a group of 504, with assistent Pulatova S. Sh.