The course “Radiation diagnostics” was founded in 1972 on the basis of the SAMPI clinic, the founder of the course was Professor Mirzaev Talat Mirzaevich.

T.M. Mirzaev is the author of 96 scientific articles, 30 methodological manuals, 16 works used in practice. Member of the board of the Scientific Society of Radiologists and Radiologists of Uzbekistan, member of the specialized scientific council. Winner of the medals “Excellence in Health” and “For Many Years of Conscientious Work.”

Lobar Rasuleva Khamidovna worked as the head of the course “Radiation diagnostics” from 2000 to 2007. In 1996, she defended her dissertation on the topic “Clinical and radiological diagnosis of biliary dyskinesia in children with allergic diseases.” Author of 15 scientific articles, 4 textbooks

Yusupalieva Gulnora Akmalovna – From 2007 to the present, head of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics.

In 2018, she defended her doctoral dissertation (DSc) on the topic “Complex clinical and echographic diagnosis of chronic viral hepatitis in children” in the specialty of Clinical Radiology – 14.00.19. and Pediatrics-14.00.09 and from this year, by order of the rector, doctor of medical sciences, professor B.T. Daminov’s course “Radiation diagnostics” became the department of Medical Radiology, the head of the department was appointed G.A. Yusupalieva.