Shamansurova Elmira Amannulaevna

Head of Department

Autobiography: Read

I, Shamansurova Elmira Amannulayevna, was born in Tashkent, a family of employees. After graduating from school number 43 in Tashkent, in 1975-1981 - SAMPI. 1981-1982 internship, 1982-1983 district pediatrician, 1983-1985 clinical residency, 1985-1988 graduate school, from 1989 to the present I work in Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute.

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-1670-2675

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 32 59
  • Email:

Ubaydullaeva Sevara Abdullaevna

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-0741-1518
Honorary state awards: 1

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 29 36
  • Email:

Turdieva Shokhida Tolkunovna

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-7042-5387

  • Phone: +998 (93) 587 25 70
  • Email:

Agzamova Shoira Abdusalamovna

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-1617-8324

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 29
  • Email:

Makhkamova Gulchekhra Ganievna

Responsible for
Scientific work

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-0310-8709

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 28 57
  • Email:

Devorova Marifat Bakievna

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-4398-050x
Honorary state awards: 1

  • Phone: +998 (94) 684 71 55
  • Email:

Fayziev Abitdzhan Nishanovich

Responsible for
Medical work

Autobiography: Read

I Fayziev Abitjan Nishanovich was born on April 5, 1965 in the Tashkent region in the Orgenikid district. 1972 entered the 49th secondary school and successfully graduated in 1982 in the city of Tashkent. 1982 entered the Central Asian Medical Pediatric Institute. 1988 graduated from the same institute. 1988-1990. Completed clinical residency at the Department of Outpatient Training No. 2. 1990-1996. Worked as an assistant in the Department of Pediatric Disease #

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-4206-1907

  • Phone: +998 (99) 841 98 38
  • Email:

Uluov Asar Ismatvich

Responsible for
Methodic-Educational work/Master Study

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-6284-4258

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 58
  • Email:

Ganieva Durdona Kamalovna

Responsible for
Raising and Upbringing/mentoring

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant professor
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-5262-4091

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 29
  • Email:

Akhmedova Firuza Mirzakirovna

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant-PhD Student
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-1253-8540

  • Phone: +998 (90) 347 67 67
  • Email:

Makhkamova Gulnoza Turakhodzhaevna

Responsible for
Scientific work

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant-PhD Student
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-1207-2904

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 28
  • Email:

Dzhalilov Abdumalik Akhadovich

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-0652-1814

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 58
  • Email:

Ergasheva Nigora Nasriddinovna

Responsible for
International realtions

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Senior Lecturer
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-0383-9453

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 58
  • Email:

Khasanova Guzaliya Marsovna

Responsible for
Methodic-Educational work/Master Study

Scientific degree: PhD
Scientific title: Assistant-PhD Student
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-9158-2303

  • Phone: +998 (71) 262 33 20
  • Email:

Valiev Farruh Nigmatjonovich

Responsible for
Material riches

Autobiography: Read

I am Valiev Farrukh Nigmatjonovich,   I started my career as a teacher at the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute in 2015, and now I work as a teacher at the Department of Outpatient Medicine and Physical Education.

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Teacher
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-1733-638X

  • Phone: +998 (97) 001 59 99
  • Email:

Tillabaeva Akida Aripovna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant-Free PhD applicant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-3962-0536

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 31 26
  • Email:

Kutlumuratova Zulaykha Reimbaevna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-9642-2192

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 29
  • Email:

Tokhtaeva Dono Makhmudzhanovna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: http-sorc-idor-g0

  • Phone: +998 (90) 372 29 16
  • Email:

Abdurazakova Shirin Abrarovna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-6196-8766

  • Phone: +998 (90) 113 67 26
  • Email:

Mavlyanova Dilbar Adizovna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-6926-2664

  • Phone: +998 (71) 269 15 26
  • Email:

Gulmira Nasirova Ramzitdinovna

Responsible for
Material riches

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-5638-8305

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 58
  • Email:

Khudayberganov Zakirzhan Razhabbaevich

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Teacher
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-0984-052X

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 28 67
  • Email:

Shaykhova Munira Ikramovna

Responsible for
Raising and Upbringing/mentoring

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-6071-5820

  • Phone: +998 (90) 959 13 36
  • Email:

Karimova Diloram Ismatovna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-6714-3856

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 36 20
  • Email:

Rikhsiev Dilshod Shavkatovich

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Teacher
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-2890-6037

  • Phone: +998 (99) 897 72 01
  • Email:

Koshimbetova Genzhekhan Kalbaevna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0003-2446-673x

  • Phone: +998 (71) 231 10 92
  • Email:

Dzhuraeva Gulnora Abdukhalilovna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Teacher
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-5846-4754

  • Phone: +998 (71) 264 97 58
  • Email:

Akbarova Gulbakhor Tokhirovna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Teacher
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-7688-1057

  • Phone: +998 (93) 557 55 22
  • Email:

Toirova Nargiza Nuriddinovna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: http-sorc-idor-g

  • Phone: +998 (99) 020 52 47
  • Email:

Vasilev Veniamin Dmitrievich

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Senior Lecturer
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-8177-116x

  • Phone: +998 (71) 254 45 06
  • Email:

Niyazova Malika Takhirovna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0001-7497-7656

  • Phone: +998 (97) 710 30 39
  • Email:

Ochilov Bakhrom Arolovich

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Teacher
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 1111-2222-3333-4444

  • Phone: +998 (90) 945 57 75
  • Email:

Isakhanova Nigora Khikmatovna

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant-Free PhD applicant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: 0000-0002-1015-7699

  • Phone: +998 (71) 260 31 27
  • Email:

Mokhira Mannapova Abduvokhid Kizi

Scientific degree: Non-degree
Scientific title: Assistant
Citation: Open
ID ORCID: http-sorc-idor-g0

  • Phone: +998 (94) 668 87 13
  • Email: